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A partir du 16 mars environ jusqu'au 5 avril pl4tform émet sur 107.4 FM !

02.04.2025 [VOL.76] : Pistache Rayban - Ahoo épisode 2, mix 100% rap 100% sans mec cis het

📆❄Avril / AVRIL 2025

02.04.2025 [VOL.76] : Pistache Rayban - Ahoo épisode 2, mix 100% rap 100% sans mec cis het

09.04.2025 [VOL.77] : GIGI en direct du studio

16.04.2025 [VOL.78] : Épisode numéro 5 de cebena.

23.04.2025 [VOL.79] : Des souvenirs et quête de Sardaigne par Torchon.

30.04.2025 [VOL.80] : Barrière mix vinyl du data bac

english version

02.04.2025 [VOL.76] : Pistache Rayban - Ahoo episode 2, mix 100% rap 100% without guy cis het

09.04.2025 [VOL.77] : GIGI live from the studio

16.04.2025 [VOL.78] : Episode number 5 of cebena.

23.04.2025 [VOL.79] : Memories and quest of Sardinia by Torchon.

30.04.2025 [VOL.80] : Vinyl mix by Barrière from data's box



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File Information
File Name
127059 250323_1330_Nawak British et TazManèch' en direct à Lisle.mp3 Nawak British et TazManèch' en direct à Lisle musique, direct, live au studio, FM, Lisle 23.03.25 13:30 audio 98.73 2025 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/250323_1330_Nawak%20British%20et%20TazManèch'%20en%20direct%20à%20Lisle.mp3 2503231330
127076 250323_1330_Nawak British et TazManèch' en direct à Lisle.md Nawak British et TazManèch' en direct à Lisle No Tags 23.03.25 13:30 text 0.00 2025 03 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/250323_1330_Nawak%20British%20et%20TazManèch'%20en%20direct%20à%20Lisle.md 2503231330
126694 250319_1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.74 --- La musique et la nuit se consument en créant l'espace avec Tatiana Karl Pez.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol.74 --- La musique et la nuit se consument en créant l'espace avec Tatiana Karl Pez pl4tformFM, sorcière, chœur 19.03.25 14:00 audio 136.81 2025 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/250319_1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.74%20---%20La%20musique%20et%20la%20nuit%20se%20consument%20en%20créant%20l'espace%20avec%20Tatiana%20Karl%20Pez.mp3 2503191400
126617 250319_1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.74 --- La musique et la nuit se consument en créant l'espace avec Tatiana Karl Pez.md PL4TFORM FM - Vol.74 --- La musique et la nuit se consument en créant l'espace avec Tatiana Karl Pez No Tags 19.03.25 14:00 text 0.00 2025 03 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/250319_1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.74%20---%20La%20musique%20et%20la%20nuit%20se%20consument%20en%20créant%20l'espace%20avec%20Tatiana%20Karl%20Pez.md 2503191400
126272 250319_0026_PL4TFORM a Lisle.html PL4TFORM a Lisle full-page 19.03.25 00:26 text 0.01 2025 03 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/250319_0026_PL4TFORM%20a%20Lisle.html
POUR AJOUTER DES PHOTOS: 1. Upload photo dans le dossier /archive/annex/ton-photo.jpg ici le lien du dossier: https://cloud.pl4tform.org/f/126381 2. trouve ton photo ici: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/annex/ 3. copy le lien totale de ton photo 4. ajoute dans le code comme ca :

PL4TFORM à Lisle dans le Périgord Vert

glouuuglouuuu on entend le vieux lavoir d'à côté dans lequel coule une eau de jouvence

Depuis le 15 mars et jusqu'au 06 Avril Pl4tform se retrouve à Lisle à La Maison dans laquelle.
Nous installons une antenne FM !!
Et émettons sur la fréquence 107.4 pendant ces trois semaines.
Nous diffusons beaaaaucoup d'archives et de zeek bienfaisante, et notre plateau radio est ouvert quasi non stop !
Restez à l'affût, des lives surprises (sur 107.4 ET sur pl4tform.org) se déclenchent souvent dans le café de la maison.

Si vous voulez recevoir les petits textos qui préviennent de ces lives quotidiens, écrivez-nous à coucou@pl4tform.org et nous vous ajouterons à la textolista (offre résiliable à tout moment).


21 Mars 22H00:
B2B Nostalgie-totale Scobiya&Bob

22 Mars 20H30:
Jam 4Bornes, Scobiya, Bob

23 Mars 13H00:
Live concert Nawak & Manech

23 Mars 14H00:
Mix K7 Résidence Secondaire

26 Mars Vers 17h:
Mix de Scobiya avec une pure selections pour les kidz, mercredi sans école!

28 Mars à 16h30:
Trilogie d'actions du jour ! Petit GANG local de la bricole se lance dans la fabrication d'une nouvelle antenne DIPOLE + des lourdes bass pour mix ambiance rappeurZz 2014 + des lecture alléchantes de stories de radios pirates du 21ème siècles

Click sur le button play pour écouter le livestream :

↓↓↓↓ BLOG ↓↓↓↓

Atelier de construction d'une antenne Dipole pour 107.4 Mhz


Zone de captation - mesurement en velo

Vs me recevez? carto dans la yaya de la fin du signal

La banderooole 107.4 ! Et en haut a droit sur le toit notre antenne !

On a fait des posterssssssss

et on balance la radio FM dans les rues de LISLE !!!

Ou est ce que 107.4 se capte?

Depuis Mardi, 18 mars, le soir a 20 heure l'antenne est fixe sur la maison !


126259 250312-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.73 --- Pistache et Migou en direct du studio.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol.73 --- Pistache et Migou en direct du studio pl4tformFM, emotional, live au studio 12.03.25 14:00 audio 109.91 2025 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/250312-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.73%20---%20Pistache%20et%20Migou%20en%20direct%20du%20studio.mp3 2503121400
125056 250305-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.72 --- Sainte Claude a Sainte Claude.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol.72 --- Sainte Claude a Sainte Claude pl4tformFM 05.03.25 14:00 audio 137.33 2025 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/250305-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.72%20---%20Sainte%20Claude%20a%20Sainte%20Claude.mp3 2503051400
126650 250305-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.72 --- Sainte Claude a Sainte Claude.md PL4TFORM FM - Vol.72 --- Sainte Claude a Sainte Claude No Tags 05.03.25 14:00 text 0.00 2025 03 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/250305-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.72%20---%20Sainte%20Claude%20a%20Sainte%20Claude.md 2503051400
124961 250226-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.71 --- Choeur de meufx, notre matrimoine.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol.71 --- Choeur de meufx, notre matrimoine pl4tformFM, chœur 26.02.25 14:00 audio 109.93 2025 02 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/250226-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.71%20---%20Choeur%20de%20meufx,%20notre%20matrimoine.mp3 2502261400
124967 250226-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.71 --- Choeur de meufx, notre matrimoine.md PL4TFORM FM - Vol.71 --- Choeur de meufx, notre matrimoine No Tags 26.02.25 14:00 text 0.00 2025 02 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/250226-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.71%20---%20Choeur%20de%20meufx,%20notre%20matrimoine.md 2502261400
123717 250219-1400_PL4TFORM FM VOL 70 --- Coulée de bave dans la résidence secondaire.mp3 PL4TFORM FM VOL 70 --- Coulée de bave dans la résidence secondaire pl4tformFM, musique 19.02.25 14:00 audio 137.31 2025 02 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/250219-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20VOL%2070%20---%20Coulée%20de%20bave%20dans%20la%20résidence%20secondaire.mp3 2502191400
123610 250219-1400_PL4TFORM FM VOL 70 --- Coulée de bave dans la résidence secondaire.md PL4TFORM FM VOL 70 --- Coulée de bave dans la résidence secondaire No Tags 19.02.25 14:00 text 0.00 2025 02 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/250219-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20VOL%2070%20---%20Coulée%20de%20bave%20dans%20la%20résidence%20secondaire.md 2502191400
121528 250212-1400_PL4TFORM FM VOL 69 --- Maya Fortune *v* mix Hello Library_1.mp3 PL4TFORM FM VOL 69 --- Maya Fortune *v* mix Hello Library_1 pl4tformFM, musique 12.02.25 14:00 audio 137.33 2025 02 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/250212-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20VOL%2069%20---%20Maya%20Fortune%20*v*%20mix%20Hello%20Library_1.mp3 2502121400
121535 250212-1400_PL4TFORM FM VOL 69 --- Maya Fortune *v* mix Hello Library_1.md PL4TFORM FM VOL 69 --- Maya Fortune *v* mix Hello Library_1 No Tags 12.02.25 14:00 text 0.00 2025 02 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/250212-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20VOL%2069%20---%20Maya%20Fortune%20*v*%20mix%20Hello%20Library_1.md 2502121400
120920 250205-1400_PL4TFORM FM VOL 68 --- ktrebornes mix k7.mp3 PL4TFORM FM VOL 68 --- ktrebornes mix k7 pl4tformFM, musique 05.02.25 14:00 audio 137.33 2025 02 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/250205-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20VOL%2068%20---%20ktrebornes%20mix%20k7.mp3 2502051400
121411 250205-1400_PL4TFORM FM VOL 68 --- ktrebornes mix k7.md PL4TFORM FM VOL 68 --- ktrebornes mix k7 No Tags 05.02.25 14:00 text 0.00 2025 02 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/250205-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20VOL%2068%20---%20ktrebornes%20mix%20k7.md 2502051400
120720 250129-1400_PL4TFORM FM VOL 67 --- collective powerzz.mp3 PL4TFORM FM VOL 67 --- collective powerzz pl4tformFM, collective learning, live au studio 29.01.25 14:00 audio 132.38 2025 01 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/250129-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20VOL%2067%20---%20collective%20powerzz.mp3 2501291400
120657 250129-1400_PL4TFORM FM VOL 67 --- collective powerzz.md PL4TFORM FM VOL 67 --- collective powerzz No Tags 29.01.25 14:00 text 0.00 2025 01 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/250129-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20VOL%2067%20---%20collective%20powerzz.md 2501291400
119295 250122-1400_Pl4TFORM FM VOL 66 --- SEUM ET RACLURES.mp3 Pl4TFORM FM VOL 66 --- SEUM ET RACLURES pl4tformFM 22.01.25 14:00 audio 137.00 2025 01 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/250122-1400_Pl4TFORM%20FM%20VOL%2066%20---%20SEUM%20ET%20RACLURES.mp3 2501221400
119301 250122-1400_Pl4TFORM FM VOL 66 --- SEUM ET RACLURES.md Pl4TFORM FM VOL 66 --- SEUM ET RACLURES No Tags 22.01.25 14:00 text 0.00 2025 01 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/250122-1400_Pl4TFORM%20FM%20VOL%2066%20---%20SEUM%20ET%20RACLURES.md 2501221400
118908 250115-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol 65.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol 65 pl4tformFM, lecture, live au studio 15.01.25 14:00 audio 109.92 2025 01 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/250115-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol%2065.mp3 2501151400
116006 250108-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol 64 --- Retour du Chaos Computer Communication Congress Club.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol 64 --- Retour du Chaos Computer Communication Congress Club pl4tformFM, server, hack, live au studio 08.01.25 14:00 audio 137.33 2025 01 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/250108-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol%2064%20---%20Retour%20du%20Chaos%20Computer%20Communication%20Congress%20Club.mp3 2501081400
116282 250108-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol 64 --- Retour du Chaos Computer Communication Congress Club.md PL4TFORM FM - Vol 64 --- Retour du Chaos Computer Communication Congress Club No Tags 08.01.25 14:00 text 0.00 2025 01 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/250108-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol%2064%20---%20Retour%20du%20Chaos%20Computer%20Communication%20Congress%20Club.md 2501081400
114230 250101-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol 63 --- Egaliser les narines: une seance de Feldenkrais par Elvis.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol 63 --- Egaliser les narines: une seance de Feldenkrais par Elvis pl4tformFM 01.01.25 14:00 audio 137.33 2025 01 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/250101-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol%2063%20---%20Egaliser%20les%20narines:%20une%20seance%20de%20Feldenkrais%20par%20Elvis.mp3 2501011400
114453 250101-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol 63 --- Egaliser les narines: une seance de Feldenkrais par Elvis.md PL4TFORM FM - Vol 63 --- Egaliser les narines: une seance de Feldenkrais par Elvis No Tags 01.01.25 14:00 text 0.00 2025 01 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/250101-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol%2063%20---%20Egaliser%20les%20narines:%20une%20seance%20de%20Feldenkrais%20par%20Elvis.md 2501011400
113796 241225-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol 62 --- La journee de noel avec les zouzou.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol 62 --- La journee de noel avec les zouzou pl4tformFM 25.12.24 14:00 audio 134.55 2024 12 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241225-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol%2062%20---%20La%20journee%20de%20noel%20avec%20les%20zouzou.mp3 2412251400
114545 241225-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol 62 --- La journee de noel avec les zouzou.md PL4TFORM FM - Vol 62 --- La journee de noel avec les zouzou No Tags 25.12.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 12 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241225-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol%2062%20---%20La%20journee%20de%20noel%20avec%20les%20zouzou.md 2412251400
111826 241218-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol 61 --- fous feux.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol 61 --- fous feux pl4tformFM, seum, sorcière, clodo, incendie 18.12.24 14:00 audio 139.68 2024 12 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241218-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol%2061%20---%20fous%20feux.mp3 2412181400
111833 241218-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol 61 --- fous feux.md PL4TFORM FM - Vol 61 --- fous feux No Tags 18.12.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 12 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241218-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol%2061%20---%20fous%20feux.md 2412181400
110751 241211-1400_PL4TFORM FM Vol 60 --- AHOO.mp3 PL4TFORM FM Vol 60 --- AHOO pl4tformFM 11.12.24 14:00 audio 137.37 2024 12 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241211-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20Vol%2060%20---%20AHOO.mp3 2412111400
110757 241211-1400_PL4TFORM FM Vol 60 --- AHOO.md PL4TFORM FM Vol 60 --- AHOO No Tags 11.12.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 12 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241211-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20Vol%2060%20---%20AHOO.md 2412111400
109298 241204_1200_Le mythe de l’électricité.md Le mythe de l’électricité energy, mobile 04.12.24 12:00 text 0.00 2024 12 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241204_1200_Le%20mythe%20de%20l’électricité.md# Le mythe de l’électricité L'électricité est souvent envisagée comme une ressource infinie et disponible. De fait, les infrastructures qui produisent et déplacent l'énergie électrique sont mystiques quand elles ne sont pas complètement invisibles. Quand on allume une bouilloire, rien ne permet de ressentir les ressources et les infrastructures induite par la production de l’électricité nécessaire à son fonctionnement. Cette ignorance est la clef d’une économie qui repose sur l’extraction et la consommation croissante des ressources. C'est pourquoi nous aimerions comprendre l’énergie électrique et prendre conscience de ses limites comme un paramètre indissociable de nos pratiques. Avant d'envisager des électricités vertes ou des énergies renouvellables, il est nécessaire de remettre en question notre consommation d'électricité, donc penser nos besoins en énergie et les limites des ressources dont on peut bénéficier. C'est à travers cette prise de conscience qu'il devient possible d'imaginer et de dimensionner des systèmes électriques autonomes, qui peuvent exister en dehors du réseau électrique, de manière permanente ou momentanée. Ces systèmes induisent un nouveau rapport à l'électricité. Une limite dans la quantité d’énergie consommable change radicalement la manière dont nous menons projets et vie quotidienne. Ils induisent un choix dans les appareils utilisés, mais aussi une organisation dans les moments collective et les temps de telle ou telle activité. Est-il préférable d'alimenter un soundsystem avec des basses puissantes pendant une heure, un projecteur vidéo et des petites enceintes pendant neuf heures ou trois lampes pendant plusieurs jours ? Ces questions, à première vue techniques, soulèvent en réalité des enjeux de style de vie et d’organisation collective. L’énergie apparaît alors comme un paramètre structurant le vivre ensemble. Si nous parlons de systèmes autonomes ici, il est important de souligner qu'il s'agit d'une autonomie relative. Un système de batteries permet de se passer du réseau électrique dans un temps et un espace donné, mais il en dépend pour se recharger en l'absence d'autre moyen de générer de l’énergie (Panneaux solaires et éoliennes, turbine à eau, magie...). D'autre part, les ressources nécessaires à la fabrication de tout système de production et de stockage d‘énergie électrique sont épuisables et leur extraction ethiquement et écologiquement problématique. Il s’agit du cuivre d'une turbine, du silicium des panneaux photovoltaiques ou du lithium des batteries. 2412041200
109657 241204-1400_PL4TFORM FM Vol 59 --- les 10 ans du Jardin l éphémère.mp3 PL4TFORM FM Vol 59 --- les 10 ans du Jardin l éphémère pl4tformFM, compost 04.12.24 14:00 audio 136.48 2024 12 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241204-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20Vol%2059%20---%20les%2010%20ans%20du%20Jardin%20l%20éphémère.mp3 2412041400
109788 241204-1400_PL4TFORM FM Vol 59 --- les 10 ans du Jardin l éphémère.md PL4TFORM FM Vol 59 --- les 10 ans du Jardin l éphémère No Tags 04.12.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 12 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241204-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20Vol%2059%20---%20les%2010%20ans%20du%20Jardin%20l%20éphémère.md 2412041400
108501 241201_1000_Radio-program-December@news.md Radio-program-December actus 01.12.24 10:00 text 0.00 2024 12 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241201_1000_Radio-program-December@news.md# December 2024 Radio Shows **04.12.2024** \[VOL.59\] : Paroles, témoignages, souvenirs autour des 10 ans du [jardin l'Ephémère](https://pl4tform.org/lists/lt.php?tid=LExaA1cKDglcUB5QVgIGFFFUU1IfBVNTBUsGV1VXAVZXVAYDVFNFUgACBFYAAQ8UAQADUB9QAwlQS1dWVQMcU1xWAFNWUVhTA1EHHQNUBFxTUlNXH1ADBgVLAlAHBhxUUlUFTA0BDQVWXgZRUwIEDA) à Bègles, et autres pépites. **11.12.2024** \[VOL.60\] : AHOO est un mélange de juicy nasty vibes, une émission savoureuse avec une sélection 100% rap fait par des personnes qui ne sont pas des hommes cisgenre hétérosexuels hihi <3 **18.12.2024** \[VOL.61\] : Torchon, sons divers. et maybe guests **25.12.2024** \\\[VOL.62\\\] : Merry Crisis, une émission collective en mode acting repas chez les zinzins ! --- **04.12.2024** \[VOL.59\] : Words, testimonies, memories around the 10 years of [jardin l'Ephémère](https://pl4tform.org/lists/lt.php?tid=LExaA1cKDglcUB5QVgIGFFFUU1IfBVNTBUsGV1VXAVZXVAYDVFNFUgACBFYAAQ8UAQADUB9QAwlQS1dWVQMcU1xWAFNWUVhTA1EHHQNUBFxTUlNXH1ADBgVLAlAHBhxUUlUFTA0BDQVWXgZRUwIEDA) in Bègles, and other nuggets. **11.12.2024** \[VOL.60\] : AHOO a mix of juicy nasty vibes, a tasty show with a 100% rap selection made by people who are not heterosexual cisgender men hihi <3 **18.12.2024** \[VOL.61\] : Torchon, various sounds. and maybe guests. **25.12.2024** \[VOL.62\] : Merry Crisis, a collective show in acting mode meal at the crazies! 2412011000
107215 241126-1400_PL4TFORM FM Vol 58 --- Plouf plouf.mp3 PL4TFORM FM Vol 58 --- Plouf plouf pl4tformFM 26.11.24 14:00 audio 137.36 2024 11 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241126-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20Vol%2058%20---%20Plouf%20plouf.mp3 2411261400
107245 241126-1400_PL4TFORM FM Vol 58 --- Plouf plouf.md PL4TFORM FM Vol 58 --- Plouf plouf No Tags 26.11.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 11 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241126-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20Vol%2058%20---%20Plouf%20plouf.md 2411261400
105987 241124_1804_Les Allies de Pl4tform.md Les Allies de Pl4tform network 24.11.24 18:04 text 0.00 2024 11 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241124_1804_Les%20Allies%20de%20Pl4tform.md# Allies de pl4tform - [Aquilenet](https://www.aquilenet.fr/) - [La Cle des Ondes](https://lacledesondes.fr/) - [4Bornes](https://4bornes.net/) - [99Junction](https://99junction.org/) - [Okay Confiance ](https://okayconfiance.hotglue.me/) - [Cafe Pompier](https://www.instagram.com/cafepompier/) - Presbytere - Le Jardin Ephemere - [Constant](https://constantvzw.org/) - [Radio Panik](https://www.radiopanik.org/) - [Club1](https://club1.fr) - [Hackers&Designers](https://www.hackersanddesigners.nl/) 2411241804
105951 241123_1400_jingle_slugg.wav jingle_slugg jingle 23.11.24 14:00 audio 4.08 2024 11 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241123_1400_jingle_slugg.wav 2411231400
107233 241120_1400_PL4TFORM FM Vol 57 --- Br4vebête.mp3 PL4TFORM FM Vol 57 --- Br4vebête pl4tformFM, musique 20.11.24 14:00 audio 109.91 2024 11 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241120_1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20Vol%2057%20---%20Br4vebête.mp3 2411201400
107239 241120_1400_PL4TFORM FM Vol 57 --- Br4vebête.md PL4TFORM FM Vol 57 --- Br4vebête No Tags 20.11.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 11 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241120_1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20Vol%2057%20---%20Br4vebête.md 2411201400
102882 241113-1400_PL4TFORM FM Vol 56 --- 3MOT!ONAL S0____Op No.2.mp3 PL4TFORM FM Vol 56 --- 3MOT!ONAL S0____Op No.2 pl4tformFM, emotional, musique 13.11.24 14:00 audio 137.37 2024 11 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241113-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20Vol%2056%20---%203MOT!ONAL%20S0____Op%20No.2.mp3 2411131400
103346 241113-1400_PL4TFORM FM Vol 56 --- 3MOT!ONAL S0____Op No.2.md PL4TFORM FM Vol 56 --- 3MOT!ONAL S0____Op No.2 No Tags 13.11.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 11 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241113-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20Vol%2056%20---%203MOT!ONAL%20S0____Op%20No.2.md 2411131400
100124 241106-1400_PL4TFORM FM Vol 55 --- CEBENA THE CUTTIX VALLEY episode 4@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM Vol 55 --- CEBENA THE CUTTIX VALLEY episode 4 pl4tformFM, cebena 06.11.24 14:00 audio 137.33 2024 11 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241106-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20Vol%2055%20---%20CEBENA%20THE%20CUTTIX%20VALLEY%20episode%204@plfm.mp3 2411061400
100130 241106-1400_PL4TFORM FM Vol 55 --- CEBENA THE CUTTIX VALLEY episode 4.md PL4TFORM FM Vol 55 --- CEBENA THE CUTTIX VALLEY episode 4 No Tags 06.11.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 11 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241106-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20Vol%2055%20---%20CEBENA%20THE%20CUTTIX%20VALLEY%20episode%204.md 2411061400
100076 241101_1000_Radio-program-November@news.md Radio-program-November actus 01.11.24 10:00 text 0.00 2024 11 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241101_1000_Radio-program-November@news.md# November 2024 Radio Shows **06.11.2024 \[VOL.57\] : cebenaaaaa the cutixxxx valley <3** Après avoir fait fondre le dancefloor du café pompier ou elles s'étaient déplacées pour mixer il y a quelques nuits, les trois cutix cévenoles sont devenues pro-djx, elles nous régalent encore ce mercredi avec de nouvelles potions. **13.11.2024 \[VOL.58\] : emotional soup by swampslut** Vous souvenez vous de la dernière soupe parue sur pl4tform? C'était il y a quelques mois, si vous remuez un peu dans le marais, prêtez attention aux légumes sentimentaux, il semblerait que vous puissiez la retrouver pour avoir un avant goût de la prochaine emotional soup. **20.11.2024 \[VOL.59\] : Br4vebête** Les sons dont raffole Br4vebête sont remplis de grenouilles, sauterelles et crapauds, son mix vous fait rebondir et onduler sur des basses hypnotiques et aquatiques, vos pieds vous chatouillent...est ce qu'ils deviennent palmés? **27.11.2024 \[VOL.60\] : Sachap** Pour la dernière du mois, ce sera une bernique qui raconte son histoire familiale, lol on sait trop pas quelle voix ça a une bernique!! --- **06.11.2024 \[VOL.57\] : cebenaaaaa the cutixxxx valley <3** After melting the dancefloor at the café pompier where they mixed a few nights ago, the three Cévennes cutix have gone pro-djx, and are regaling us again this Wednesday with new potions. **13.11.2024 \[VOL.58\] : emotional soup by swampslut**            Remember the last soup published on pl4tform? It was a few months ago, but if you stir the swamp a little, pay attention to the sentimental vegetables, it looks like you can find it again to get a taste of the next emotional soup. **20.11.2024 \[VOL.59\] : Br4vebête** The sounds Br4vebête loves are full of frogs, grasshoppers and toads, her mix makes you bounce and undulate on hypnotic, aquatic bass, your feet tickle...do they become webbed? **27.11.2024 \[VOL.60\] : Sachap**   For the last of the month, it'll be a barnacle telling her family story, lol we don't know what kind of voice a barnacle has! We'll be like that 2411011000
99439 241030-1400_PL4TFORM FM Vol 54 --- Lost and found wih Isole@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM Vol 54 --- Lost and found wih Isole pl4tformFM 30.10.24 14:00 audio 137.37 2024 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241030-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20Vol%2054%20---%20Lost%20and%20found%20wih%20Isole@plfm.mp3 2410301400
99448 241030-1400_PL4TFORM FM Vol 54 --- Lost and found wih Isole.md PL4TFORM FM Vol 54 --- Lost and found wih Isole No Tags 30.10.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 10 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241030-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20Vol%2054%20---%20Lost%20and%20found%20wih%20Isole.md 2410301400
95201 241023-1400_PL4TFORM FM Vol 53 --- L'écorce farouche vs Euratlantique ft. Scobiya & Normal@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM Vol 53 --- L'écorce farouche vs Euratlantique ft. Scobiya & Normal pl4tformFM 23.10.24 14:00 audio 137.38 2024 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241023-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20Vol%2053%20---%20L'écorce%20farouche%20vs%20Euratlantique%20ft.%20Scobiya%20&%20Normal@plfm.mp3 2410231400
95214 241023-1400_PL4TFORM FM Vol 53 --- L'écorce farouche vs Euratlantique ft. Scobiya & Normal.md PL4TFORM FM Vol 53 --- L'écorce farouche vs Euratlantique ft. Scobiya & Normal No Tags 23.10.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 10 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241023-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20Vol%2053%20---%20L'écorce%20farouche%20vs%20Euratlantique%20ft.%20Scobiya%20&%20Normal.md 2410231400
94198 241016-1400_PL4TFORM FM Vol 52 --- Mix echoïque par Lix et Quatrebornes@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM Vol 52 --- Mix echoïque par Lix et Quatrebornes pl4tformFM, musique 16.10.24 14:00 audio 133.23 2024 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241016-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20Vol%2052%20---%20Mix%20echoïque%20par%20Lix%20et%20Quatrebornes@plfm.mp3 2410161400
94204 241016-1400_PL4TFORM FM Vol 52 --- Mix echoïque par Lix et Quatrebornes.md PL4TFORM FM Vol 52 --- Mix echoïque par Lix et Quatrebornes No Tags 16.10.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 10 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241016-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20Vol%2052%20---%20Mix%20echoïque%20par%20Lix%20et%20Quatrebornes.md 2410161400
91865 241009-1400_PL4TFORM FM VOL.51 --- FISH NEWZ plongee en aquatexte@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM VOL.51 --- FISH NEWZ plongee en aquatexte pl4tformFM 09.10.24 14:00 audio 137.34 2024 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241009-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20VOL.51%20---%20FISH%20NEWZ%20plongee%20en%20aquatexte@plfm.mp3 2410091400
91871 241009-1400_PL4TFORM FM VOL.51 --- FISH NEWZ plongee en aquatexte.md PL4TFORM FM VOL.51 --- FISH NEWZ plongee en aquatexte No Tags 09.10.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 10 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241009-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20VOL.51%20---%20FISH%20NEWZ%20plongee%20en%20aquatexte.md 2410091400
90118 241002-1400_Pl4TFORM FM Vol 50 ---- SAUVETAGE MIX@plfm.mp3 Pl4TFORM FM Vol 50 ---- SAUVETAGE MIX pl4tformFM, musique 02.10.24 14:00 audio 137.33 2024 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241002-1400_Pl4TFORM%20FM%20Vol%2050%20----%20SAUVETAGE%20MIX@plfm.mp3 2410021400
90125 241002-1400_Pl4TFORM FM Vol 50 ---- SAUVETAGE MIX.md Pl4TFORM FM Vol 50 ---- SAUVETAGE MIX No Tags 02.10.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 10 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241002-1400_Pl4TFORM%20FM%20Vol%2050%20----%20SAUVETAGE%20MIX.md 2410021400
90886 241001_1000_Radio-program-October@news.md Radio-program-October actus 01.10.24 10:00 text 0.00 2024 10 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/241001_1000_Radio-program-October@news.md# OCTOBER 2024 Live Shows --- 02.10.2024 - 14H: SAUVETAGE MIX by eaux vives 09.10.2024 - 14H: Fraction1312 aquatext diving bloup bloub 16.10.2024 - 14H: a four-handed mix by 4bornes & Lix 23.10.2024 - 14H: Scobiya will delight us 30.10.2024 - 14H: Isis de Plein Tompête concocts an exquisite mix 2410011000
102747 240927-2144_photo-server@server.jpg photo-server server 27.09.24 21:44 image 0.36 2024 09 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240927-2144_photo-server@server.jpg 2409272144
89315 240924-1400_Pl4TFORM FM Vol 49 ---- with SOSO x Danku@plfm.mp3 Pl4TFORM FM Vol 49 ---- with SOSO x Danku pl4tformFM, musique 24.09.24 14:00 audio 137.33 2024 09 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240924-1400_Pl4TFORM%20FM%20Vol%2049%20----%20with%20SOSO%20x%20Danku@plfm.mp3 2409241400
89223 240924-1400_Pl4TFORM FM Vol 49 ---- with SOSO x Danku.md Pl4TFORM FM Vol 49 ---- with SOSO x Danku No Tags 24.09.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 09 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240924-1400_Pl4TFORM%20FM%20Vol%2049%20----%20with%20SOSO%20x%20Danku.md 2409241400
88757 240918-1400_Pl4TFORM FM Vol 48 ---- with lobby scout@plfm.mp3 Pl4TFORM FM Vol 48 ---- with lobby scout pl4tformFM, musique 18.09.24 14:00 audio 134.96 2024 09 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240918-1400_Pl4TFORM%20FM%20Vol%2048%20----%20with%20lobby%20scout@plfm.mp3 2409181400
88630 240918-1400_Pl4TFORM FM Vol 48 ---- with lobby scout.md Pl4TFORM FM Vol 48 ---- with lobby scout No Tags 18.09.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 09 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240918-1400_Pl4TFORM%20FM%20Vol%2048%20----%20with%20lobby%20scout.md 2409181400
88518 240916-1000_petitemplacement-main@petitemplacement.md petitemplacement-main No Tags 16.09.24 10:00 text 0.00 2024 09 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240916-1000_petitemplacement-main@petitemplacement.md 2409161000
88050 240911-1400_Pl4TFORM FM Vol 47 ---- MACHEVILLEESTCASSEE@plfm.mp3 Pl4TFORM FM Vol 47 ---- MACHEVILLEESTCASSEE pl4tformFM 11.09.24 14:00 audio 137.34 2024 09 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240911-1400_Pl4TFORM%20FM%20Vol%2047%20----%20MACHEVILLEESTCASSEE@plfm.mp3 2409111400
88055 240911-1400_Pl4TFORM FM Vol 47 ---- MACHEVILLEESTCASSEE.md Pl4TFORM FM Vol 47 ---- MACHEVILLEESTCASSEE No Tags 11.09.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 09 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240911-1400_Pl4TFORM%20FM%20Vol%2047%20----%20MACHEVILLEESTCASSEE.md 2409111400
81402 240904_1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol 46 --- On the quest for the quintina with sinus@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol 46 --- On the quest for the quintina with sinus pl4tformFM 04.09.24 14:00 audio 147.86 2024 09 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240904_1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol%2046%20---%20On%20the%20quest%20for%20the%20quintina%20with%20sinus@plfm.mp3 2409041400
81415 240904_1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol 46 --- On the quest for the quintina with sinus.md PL4TFORM FM - Vol 46 --- On the quest for the quintina with sinus No Tags 04.09.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 09 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240904_1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol%2046%20---%20On%20the%20quest%20for%20the%20quintina%20with%20sinus.md 2409041400
80709 240901_1000_Radio-program-September@news.md Radio-program-September actus 01.09.24 10:00 text 0.00 2024 09 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240901_1000_Radio-program-September@news.md# SEPTEMBER 2024 Radio --- ## *ENGLISH* --- ### **04.09.2024 \[VOL.46\]: On the quest for the quintina** sinus comments on his recordings of sardinian polyphony captured during a vibrant trip to the italian island. natural harmonics, masculinity, the song of passion and accordion, a whole programmm olé come travel among the vocal vibrations vrouuum --- ### **11.09.2024 \[VOL.47\]: let summer be over my friend - let it beeeeey w/ eaux vives** be ready for an emotional highway not so emo but still a bit w/ eaux vives <<<333 --- ### **16.-17.09.2024 : LE PETIT EMPLACEMENT** **livestream all time from a boat exploration on brussels canal and film projection the nigt of 16th in anderlecht next to the canal ! location will be published here today night ! come around !** --- ### **18.09.2024 \[VOL.48\]: Lobby scout: back-to-school mixtape** A one-hour audio piece broadcast for the first time in Rosporden, like a long message filled with collaborations, atmospheres and memories. --- ### **25.09.2024 \[VOL.49\]: s♡$o :** Music for the first days of autumn --- ## *FRENCH* --- ### **04.09.2024 \[VOL.46\] : Sur la quête de la quintina** sinus nous commente ses enregistrements de polyphonies sarde capturés lors d'un voyage vibrant sur l'île italienne. il sera question d'harmoniques naturelles, de masculinité, de chant de la passion et d'accordéon, tout un programmmme olé venez voyagez parmi les vibrations vocales vrouuum --- ### **11.09.2024 \[VOL.47\] : let summer be over my friend - let it beeeeey w/ eaux vives** be ready for an emotional highway pas si emo que ca mais comme meme un peu w/ eaux vives <<<333 --- ### 16.-17.09.2024 : LE PETIT EMPLACEMENT livestream d'une exploration en bateau sur le canal de Bruxelles et projection d'un film la nuit du 16 à anderlecht au bord du canal ! coordonees gps sera publié ici aujourd'hui soir ! venez nombreux ! --- ### **18.09.2024 \[VOL.48\] : Lobby scout - mixtape de rentrée** Une pièce audio d'une heure diffusée pour la première fois à Rosporden, comme un long message rempli de collaborations, d'ambiances et de souvenirs --- ### **25.09.2024 \[VOL.49\] : s♡$o - De la musique pour les premiers jours d'automne** 2409011000
79420 240828_1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol 45 --- No Soucy@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol 45 --- No Soucy pl4tformFM 28.08.24 14:00 audio 137.33 2024 08 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240828_1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol%2045%20---%20No%20Soucy@plfm.mp3 2408281400
79447 240828_1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol 45 --- No Soucy.md PL4TFORM FM - Vol 45 --- No Soucy No Tags 28.08.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 08 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240828_1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol%2045%20---%20No%20Soucy.md 2408281400
79045 240821-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol 44---Sainte Claude et la construction du sound system@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol 44---Sainte Claude et la construction du sound system pl4tformFM 21.08.24 14:00 audio 139.29 2024 08 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240821-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol%2044---Sainte%20Claude%20et%20la%20construction%20du%20sound%20system@plfm.mp3 2408211400
79051 240821-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol 44---Sainte Claude et la construction du sound system.md PL4TFORM FM - Vol 44---Sainte Claude et la construction du sound system No Tags 21.08.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 08 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240821-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol%2044---Sainte%20Claude%20et%20la%20construction%20du%20sound%20system.md 2408211400
78754 240814-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol 43 --- Concoctage de Torchon@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol 43 --- Concoctage de Torchon pl4tformFM 14.08.24 14:00 audio 127.86 2024 08 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240814-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol%2043%20---%20Concoctage%20de%20Torchon@plfm.mp3 2408141400
78760 240814-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol 43 --- Concoctage de Torchon.md PL4TFORM FM - Vol 43 --- Concoctage de Torchon No Tags 14.08.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 08 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240814-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol%2043%20---%20Concoctage%20de%20Torchon.md 2408141400
78676 240813_1000_Radio-program-August@news.md Radio-program-August actus 13.08.24 10:00 text 0.00 2024 08 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240813_1000_Radio-program-August@news.md# AUGUST 2024 Radio --- Here is PL4TFORM FM program you can listen it on this STREAM or if you swith on your RADIO FM on 90.10 Radio La clé des Ondes if you live around Bordeaux 33 (FR) 📡07.08.2024 [VOL.44]: Summer Mix with Residence secondaire 📡14.08.2024 [VOL.45]: Torchon's Concoctage \________\_ ouuuhhhhh 📡21.08.2024 [VOL.46]: surprise is waiting 4 u 📡28.08.2024 [VOL.47]: Radio no souciii, transmission from the mountains by eaux vives without any doubts --- ICI LA PROG de PL4TFORM FM que vous pouvez écouter sur le STREAM de ou bien en allumant votre RADIO FM sur 90.10 Radio La clé des Ondes si vous êtes dans la région Bordelaise 33 (FR) 📡 07.08.2024 [VOL.44]: Mix d'été avec Residence secondaire 📡14.08.2024 [VOL.45]: Concoctage de Torchon \________\_ ouuuhhhhh 📡21.08.2024 [VOL.46]: une surprise vous attend ici 📡28.08.2024 [VOL.47]: Radio no souciii, transmission des montagnes par eaux vives sans aucun souci 2408131000
81432 240807_1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol 42 --- live mix with residence secondaire@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol 42 --- live mix with residence secondaire pl4tformFM, musique, live au studio 07.08.24 14:00 audio 136.38 2024 08 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240807_1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol%2042%20---%20live%20mix%20with%20residence%20secondaire@plfm.mp3 2408071400
76060 240803_1400_fond-du-lac-x-pl4tform@fonddulac.md fond-du-lac-x-pl4tform No Tags 03.08.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 08 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240803_1400_fond-du-lac-x-pl4tform@fonddulac.md 2408031400
74903 240731-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol 41 --- radio chasse d eau en direct de porteous et de la maladie@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol 41 --- radio chasse d eau en direct de porteous et de la maladie pl4tformFM, musique 31.07.24 14:00 audio 137.33 2024 07 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240731-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol%2041%20---%20radio%20chasse%20d%20eau%20en%20direct%20de%20porteous%20et%20de%20la%20maladie@plfm.mp3 2407311400
72384 240724_1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol 40 --- Students for Palestine Camp Aachen - German@plfm-palestine.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol 40 --- Students for Palestine Camp Aachen - German pl4tformFM, palestine 24.07.24 14:00 audio 137.33 2024 07 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240724_1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol%2040%20---%20Students%20for%20Palestine%20Camp%20Aachen%20-%20German@plfm-palestine.mp3 2407241400
72360 240724_1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol 40 --- Students for Palestine Camp Aachen - German.md PL4TFORM FM - Vol 40 --- Students for Palestine Camp Aachen - German No Tags 24.07.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 07 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240724_1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol%2040%20---%20Students%20for%20Palestine%20Camp%20Aachen%20-%20German.md 2407241400
72306 240724_1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol 40 --- Students for Palestine Camp Aachen - Francais@plfm-palestine.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol 40 --- Students for Palestine Camp Aachen - Francais pl4tformFM, palestine 24.07.24 14:00 audio 137.33 2024 07 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240724_1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol%2040%20---%20Students%20for%20Palestine%20Camp%20Aachen%20-%20Francais@plfm-palestine.mp3 2407241400
72397 240724_1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol 40 --- Students for Palestine Camp Aachen - Francais.md PL4TFORM FM - Vol 40 --- Students for Palestine Camp Aachen - Francais No Tags 24.07.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 07 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240724_1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol%2040%20---%20Students%20for%20Palestine%20Camp%20Aachen%20-%20Francais.md 2407241400
70606 240713_2200_Filmlist@palestine.md Filmlist palestine 13.07.24 22:00 text 0.00 2024 07 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240713_2200_Filmlist@palestine.md# Filmlist for Palestine THANKS qahr.projections 🇵🇸 - Of Land and Bread, Ehab Tarabieh, 2019 - Israelism, Erin Axelman and Sam Eilertsen, 2023 - Five minutes from home, Nahed Awwad, 2007 - Roshmia, Salim Abu Jabal, 2014 (71’) - Roshmia, Salim Abu Jabal, 2014 (71’) - Courts-métrages Rubber Coated Steel, Lawrence Abu Hamdan, 2016 (21’) EN Electrical Gaza, Rosalind Nashashibi, 2015 (18’) AR/NO SUB They do not exist, Mustapha Abu Ali, 1974 (25’) AR/FR SUB - 3000 nuits, Mai Masri, 2015 (103’) VOSTFR - VIDEOCARTHOGRAPHIES : Aïda, Palestine, Till Roeskens, 2009 (45’) AR / FR - Ghost Hunting, Raed Andoni, 2017 (94’) - Cantique des pierres, Michel Khleifi, 1991 - Courts-métrages The silent protest 1929 Jerusalem, Mahasen Nasser-Eldin, 2019 (20’) AR / EN SUB sur youtube - La traversée, Valérie Jouve - Aïnata, Alaa Mansour, 2018 (63’) AR/ FR location sur tënk 2407132200
70520 240712_2200_how-to-archive@pl4tform.md how-to-archive No Tags 12.07.24 22:00 text 0.00 2024 07 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240712_2200_how-to-archive@pl4tform.md 2407122200
60675 240710-1400_PL4TFORM FM VOL 39 --- il n y a plus de saisons@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM VOL 39 --- il n y a plus de saisons pl4tformFM 10.07.24 14:00 audio 141.75 2024 07 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240710-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20VOL%2039%20---%20il%20n%20y%20a%20plus%20de%20saisons@plfm.mp3 2407101400
57548 240710-1400_PL4TFORM FM VOL 39 --- il n y a plus de saisons.md PL4TFORM FM VOL 39 --- il n y a plus de saisons No Tags 10.07.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 07 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240710-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20VOL%2039%20---%20il%20n%20y%20a%20plus%20de%20saisons.md 2407101400
58866 240703_1400_PL4TFORM FM - VOL 38 --- Narthex: A Solstice Journey - Vol. 2@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - VOL 38 --- Narthex: A Solstice Journey - Vol. 2 pl4tformFM 03.07.24 14:00 audio 137.39 2024 07 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240703_1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20VOL%2038%20---%20Narthex:%20A%20Solstice%20Journey%20-%20Vol.%202@plfm.mp3 2407031400
60623 240703_1400_PL4TFORM FM - VOL 38 --- Narthex: A Solstice Journey - Vol. 2.md PL4TFORM FM - VOL 38 --- Narthex: A Solstice Journey - Vol. 2 No Tags 03.07.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 07 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240703_1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20VOL%2038%20---%20Narthex:%20A%20Solstice%20Journey%20-%20Vol.%202.md 2407031400
109156 240702_1200_jeu de relais.md jeu de relais relais, event, jeu 02.07.24 12:00 text 0.00 2024 07 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240702_1200_jeu%20de%20relais.md![240702_1200_jeu de relais.jpg](.attachments.109156/240702_1200_jeu%20de%20relais.jpg) 2407021200
109164 240702_1200_jeu de relais.jpg jeu de relais No Tags 02.07.24 12:00 image 0.81 2024 07 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240702_1200_jeu%20de%20relais.jpg 2407021200
127124 240702_1200_jeu de relais.jpg jeu de relais No Tags 02.07.24 12:00 image 0.81 2024 07 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240702_1200_jeu%20de%20relais.jpg 2407021200
127106 240702_1100_radio relais.mp3 radio relais radiomobile, relais, event, jeu, lecture, musique 02.07.24 11:00 audio 136.97 2024 07 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240702_1100_radio%20relais.mp3 2407021100
127112 240702_1100_radio relais.md radio relais No Tags 02.07.24 11:00 text 0.00 2024 07 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240702_1100_radio%20relais.md 2407021100
92215 240702-1540_remorque@remorque-relais_1.jpg remorque remorque, relais 02.07.24 15:40 image 0.75 2024 07 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240702-1540_remorque@remorque-relais_1.jpg 2407021540
92728 240702-1540_photo-chapitarp@chapitarp.jpg photo-chapitarp chapitarp 02.07.24 15:40 image 0.69 2024 07 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240702-1540_photo-chapitarp@chapitarp.jpg 2407021540
92628 240702-1537_photo@relais.jpg photo relais 02.07.24 15:37 image 1.00 2024 07 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240702-1537_photo@relais.jpg 2407021537
92727 240702-1537_photo-chapitarp@chapitarp.jpg photo-chapitarp chapitarp 02.07.24 15:37 image 1.07 2024 07 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240702-1537_photo-chapitarp@chapitarp.jpg 2407021537
70577 240701_1000_Radio-program-July@news.md Radio-program-July actus 01.07.24 10:00 text 0.00 2024 07 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240701_1000_Radio-program-July@news.md# JULY 24 Radio --- french [english below] --- **📡 03.07.2024 [VOL.38]:** NARTHEX GATHERINGS part 2 A portal has been opened, on the other side a world to discover... stories, knowledge, facts, fairies? Encounters, rituals, soup, tears, no drama, but an adventure of a kind ! **📡10.07.2024 [VOL.39]:** CheminChemin back on the broadcast **📡17.07.2024 [VOL.40]:** Students for Palestine Camp Aachen **📡24.07.2024 [VOL.41]:** Friend's sonic surprises from Strasbourg & Aix en provence **📡31.07.2024 [VOL.42]:** Live transmission from Geneva with radio FONDULAC by Résidence Secondaire, Fraction1312, Torchon & Quatrebornes --- english --- **03.07.2024 \[VOL.38\]: NARTHEX GATHERINGS part 2 \_\_** ***A portal has been opened, on the other side a world to discover... stories, knowledge, facts, fairies? Encounters, rituals, soup, tears, no drama, but an adventure of a kind !*** **10.07.2024 \[VOL.39\]:** **CheminChemin back on the broadcast** **17.07.2024 \[VOL.40\]:** Students for palestine camp Aachen, Germany **24.07.2024 \[VOL.41\]:** **Friend's sonic surprises from Strasbourg & Aix en provence** **31.07.2024 \[VOL.42\]:** **Live transmission from Geneva with [radio FONDULAC](https://pl4tform.org/lists/lt.php?tid=LEwFVAZWC1RRVx5XAQUCFFEBXVEfXAcJUEtQVVNRBlYGVAVTDQFFCQYCAVYJBVQUVQIAUh9QVQFTS1dVUFccVwYIAFJRBF9UA1BQHQNUBFxTUlNXH1ADBgVLAlAHBhxUUlUFTA0BDQVWXgZRUwIEDA) by Résidence Secondaire, Fraction1312, Torchon & Quatrebornes** 2407011000
94075 240701-1000_tutoelecbox@energy.jpg tutoelecbox energy 01.07.24 10:00 image 0.51 2024 07 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240701-1000_tutoelecbox@energy.jpg 2407011000
102744 240701-1000_tuto-breche@server.jpg tuto-breche server 01.07.24 10:00 image 0.43 2024 07 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240701-1000_tuto-breche@server.jpg 2407011000
59069 240626_1400_PL4TFORM FM - VOL 37 --- No Nation Crew@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - VOL 37 --- No Nation Crew pl4tformFM, live au studio 26.06.24 14:00 audio 109.90 2024 06 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240626_1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20VOL%2037%20---%20No%20Nation%20Crew@plfm.mp3 2406261400
58935 240619_1400_PL4TFORM FM - VOL 36 --- Narthex: A Solstice Journey - Vol. 1@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - VOL 36 --- Narthex: A Solstice Journey - Vol. 1 pl4tformFM 19.06.24 14:00 audio 137.20 2024 06 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240619_1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20VOL%2036%20---%20Narthex:%20A%20Solstice%20Journey%20-%20Vol.%201@plfm.mp3 2406191400
60610 240619_1400_PL4TFORM FM - VOL 36 --- Narthex: A Solstice Journey - Vol. 1.md PL4TFORM FM - VOL 36 --- Narthex: A Solstice Journey - Vol. 1 No Tags 19.06.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 06 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240619_1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20VOL%2036%20---%20Narthex:%20A%20Solstice%20Journey%20-%20Vol.%201.md 2406191400
58788 240612_1400_PL4TFORM FM - VOL 35 --- Mix K7 par Ktrebornes@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - VOL 35 --- Mix K7 par Ktrebornes pl4tformFM, musique 12.06.24 14:00 audio 136.73 2024 06 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240612_1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20VOL%2035%20---%20Mix%20K7%20par%20Ktrebornes@plfm.mp3 2406121400
123057 240612_1400_PL4TFORM FM - VOL 35 --- Mix K7 par Ktrebornes@plfm.md PL4TFORM FM - VOL 35 --- Mix K7 par Ktrebornes No Tags 12.06.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 06 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240612_1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20VOL%2035%20---%20Mix%20K7%20par%20Ktrebornes@plfm.md 2406121400
72760 240601_1000_Radio-program-June@news.md Radio-program-June actus 01.06.24 10:00 text 0.00 2024 06 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240601_1000_Radio-program-June@news.md# JUNE 24 Radio --- french [english below] --- **📡 12.06.2024 \[VOL.36\]: Collection surprise et fragmentée des pl4te-formistes incertains** **📡 19.06.2024 \[VOL.37\]: NARTHEX GATHERINGS** ***Un portail a été ouvert, de l’autre côté un monde à découvrir… des histoires, des savoirs, des faits, des fées? Des rencontres, des rituels, de la soupe, des larmes, pas de drame, mais une sacrée aventure.*** **📡 26.06.2024 \[VOL.38\]: NO NATION CREW en direct du studiiioooo de La Clé des Ondes** --- english --- **12.06.2024 \[VOL.36\]:** **Surprise and fragmented collection of uncertain pl4te-formers** **19.06.2024 \[VOL.37\]: NARTHEX GATHERINGS** ***A portal has been opened, on the other side a world to discover... stories, knowledge, facts, fairies? Encounters, rituals, soup, tears, no drama, but an adventure of a kind !*** **26.06.2024 \[VOL.38\]:** **NO NATION CREW live from La Clé des Ondes studiiiiioooo** 2406011000
58797 240529_1400_PL4TFORM FM - VOL 34 --- 0pourcent frein, 100pourcent tambour - by Airness33@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - VOL 34 --- 0pourcent frein, 100pourcent tambour - by Airness33 pl4tformFM, musique 29.05.24 14:00 audio 109.90 2024 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240529_1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20VOL%2034%20---%200pourcent%20frein,%20100pourcent%20tambour%20-%20by%20Airness33@plfm.mp3 2405291400
59081 240529_1400_PL4TFORM FM - VOL 34 --- 0pourcent frein, 100pourcent tambour - by Airness33.md PL4TFORM FM - VOL 34 --- 0pourcent frein, 100pourcent tambour - by Airness33 No Tags 29.05.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 05 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240529_1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20VOL%2034%20---%200pourcent%20frein,%20100pourcent%20tambour%20-%20by%20Airness33.md 2405291400
58832 240522_1400_PL4TFORM FM - VOL 33 --- Migouel Zardou pour une RILAX CHILL MEDITATION@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - VOL 33 --- Migouel Zardou pour une RILAX CHILL MEDITATION pl4tformFM, live au studio 22.05.24 14:00 audio 136.35 2024 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240522_1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20VOL%2033%20---%20Migouel%20Zardou%20pour%20une%20RILAX%20CHILL%20MEDITATION@plfm.mp3 2405221400
58971 240522_1400_PL4TFORM FM - VOL 33 --- Migouel Zardou pour une RILAX CHILL MEDITATION.md PL4TFORM FM - VOL 33 --- Migouel Zardou pour une RILAX CHILL MEDITATION No Tags 22.05.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 05 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240522_1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20VOL%2033%20---%20Migouel%20Zardou%20pour%20une%20RILAX%20CHILL%20MEDITATION.md 2405221400
50268 240521_1000_ICC@palestine.md ICC palestine 21.05.24 10:00 text 0.00 2024 05 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240521_1000_ICC@palestine.md ![445799370_754180463539729_1719241336712271603_n.jpg](.attachments.50268/445799370_754180463539729_1719241336712271603_n.jpg) 2405211000
58975 240515_1400_PL4TFORM FM - VOL 32 --- Crocs de canidées@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - VOL 32 --- Crocs de canidées pl4tformFM 15.05.24 14:00 audio 109.88 2024 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240515_1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20VOL%2032%20---%20Crocs%20de%20canidées@plfm.mp3 2405151400
58857 240515_1400_PL4TFORM FM - VOL 32 --- Crocs de canidées.md PL4TFORM FM - VOL 32 --- Crocs de canidées No Tags 15.05.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 05 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240515_1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20VOL%2032%20---%20Crocs%20de%20canidées.md 2405151400
58791 240501_1400_PL4TFORM FM - VOL 30 --- CEBENA THE CUTTIX VALLEY episode 3@plfm-cebe.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - VOL 30 --- CEBENA THE CUTTIX VALLEY episode 3 pl4tformFM, cebena 01.05.24 14:00 audio 137.41 2024 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240501_1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20VOL%2030%20---%20CEBENA%20THE%20CUTTIX%20VALLEY%20episode%203@plfm-cebe.mp3 2405011400
58949 240501_1400_PL4TFORM FM - VOL 30 --- CEBENA THE CUTTIX VALLEY episode 3.md PL4TFORM FM - VOL 30 --- CEBENA THE CUTTIX VALLEY episode 3 No Tags 01.05.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 05 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240501_1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20VOL%2030%20---%20CEBENA%20THE%20CUTTIX%20VALLEY%20episode%203.md 2405011400
72769 240501_1000_Radio-program-mai@news.md Radio-program-mai actus 01.05.24 10:00 text 0.00 2024 05 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240501_1000_Radio-program-mai@news.md# MAY 24 Radio --- french \[english below\] --- 📡 *01.05.2024* \[VOL.30\]: CEBENA THE CUTIX VALLEY episode 3 édition printemps gourmand spéciale rihanna, de quoi se tenir chaud dans l'eau des rivières <3 📡*08.05.2024* \[VOL.31\]: ici on va vous parler des chiennes, des canidées, celles qui savent montrer les crocs et celles qui tirent sur leurs colliers pour laper les flaques qui jonchent le sol, c'est nos mots ou ceux des autres qui hurlent a la lune, c'est du chihuahua a la chienne louve, pour celleux d'ici aux griffes crochues ou celleux d'ailleurs avec le poil sale et dru. Bonne écoute en bonne compagnie ! 📡*15.05.2024* \[VOL.32\]: Benjo / la cuisine qui pique. Pot-pourri gastronomique. En direct du studiiiiooo 📡*22.05.2024* \[VOL.33\]: Alternative à la vie contempochraine. 📡*29.05.2024* \[VOL.34\]: Megamix de[ airness33](https://pl4tform.org/lists/lt.php?tid=LExaBQIBXQUABx4EAFEDFFEBBgYfBV8AB0sBBAEACQMAAVFYBVNFUgNRAQMIVgAUVwBcBx9QUwQES1cDUgccU1MHVVQFAQpUAVMEHQNUBFxTUlNXH1ADBgVLAlAHBhxUUlUFTA0BDQVWXgZRUwIEDA) le bloz : Bruits d'oiseau, techno, yolo --- english --- *01.05.2024* \[VOL.30\]: CEBENA THE CUTIX VALLEY third episode mood gredy spring special rihanna, something to stay warm into the rivers <3 *08.05.2024* \[VOL.31\]: here we will tell you about the dogs, the canines, those who know how to show the fangs and those who pull on their necklaces to laper the puddles that litter the ground, it is our words or those of others who scream at the moon, it is chihuahua to the dogs wolf, for those from here to the fanged claws or those besides with the dirty and dru hair. Good listening in good company! *15.05.2024* \[VOL.32\]: Benjo / spicy cuisine.Gourmet medley. Live from studiiiiio *22.05.2024* \[VOL.33\]: Alternative to the contempochraine life. *29.05.2024* \[VOL.34\]: Megamix from [airness33](https://pl4tform.org/lists/lt.php?tid=LExaBQIBXQUABx4EAFEDFFEBBgYfBV8AB0sBBAEACQMAAVFYBVNFUgNRAQMIVgAUVwBcBx9QUwQES1cDUgccU1MHVVQFAQpUAVMEHQNUBFxTUlNXH1ADBgVLAlAHBhxUUlUFTA0BDQVWXgZRUwIEDA) le bloz : bird noises, techno, yolo. 2405011000
59114 240424_2000_creazy frog.mp3 creazy frog No Tags 24.04.24 20:00 audio 2.62 2024 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240424_2000_creazy%20frog.mp3 2404242000
58816 240424-1400_PL4TFORM FM - VOL 29 --- Station Estuaire épisode 2@plfm estuaire.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - VOL 29 --- Station Estuaire épisode 2 pl4tformFM, estuaire, event, live au studio 24.04.24 14:00 audio 140.90 2024 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240424-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20VOL%2029%20---%20Station%20Estuaire%20épisode%202@plfm%20estuaire.mp3 2404241400
58836 240424-1400_PL4TFORM FM - VOL 29 --- Station Estuaire épisode 2.md PL4TFORM FM - VOL 29 --- Station Estuaire épisode 2 No Tags 24.04.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 04 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240424-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20VOL%2029%20---%20Station%20Estuaire%20épisode%202.md 2404241400
92871 240419-1214_photo-energy_2@energy.jpg photo-energy_2 energy 19.04.24 12:14 image 0.52 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240419-1214_photo-energy_2@energy.jpg 2404191214
94051 240419-1214_photo-energy@energy.jpg photo-energy energy 19.04.24 12:14 image 0.76 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240419-1214_photo-energy@energy.jpg 2404191214
92627 240419-1210_photo@estuaire-radiomobile.jpg photo estuaire, radiomobile 19.04.24 12:10 image 0.33 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240419-1210_photo@estuaire-radiomobile.jpg 2404191210
92626 240418-1011_photo@estuaire-radiomobile.jpg photo estuaire, radiomobile 18.04.24 10:11 image 0.48 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240418-1011_photo@estuaire-radiomobile.jpg 2404181011
58934 240417-1400_PL4TFORM FM - VOL 28 --- Station Estuaire épisode 1@plfm-estuaire.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - VOL 28 --- Station Estuaire épisode 1 pl4tformFM, estuaire, event 17.04.24 14:00 audio 130.21 2024 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240417-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20VOL%2028%20---%20Station%20Estuaire%20épisode%201@plfm-estuaire.mp3 2404171400
58858 240417-1400_PL4TFORM FM - VOL 28 --- Station Estuaire épisode 1.md PL4TFORM FM - VOL 28 --- Station Estuaire épisode 1 No Tags 17.04.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 04 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240417-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20VOL%2028%20---%20Station%20Estuaire%20épisode%201.md 2404171400
92214 240417-0908_remorque@remorque-estuaire.jpg remorque estuaire, remorque 17.04.24 09:08 image 0.98 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240417-0908_remorque@remorque-estuaire.jpg 2404170908
94043 240417-0832_photo-energy_2@energy.jpg photo-energy_2 energy 17.04.24 08:32 image 0.84 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240417-0832_photo-energy_2@energy.jpg 2404170832
92873 240417-0832_photo-energy@energy.jpg photo-energy energy 17.04.24 08:32 image 0.79 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240417-0832_photo-energy@energy.jpg 2404170832
105794 240416_1202_photo@estuaire.JPG photo event 16.04.24 12:02 image 4.47 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240416_1202_photo@estuaire.JPG 2404161202
105752 240416_1201_photo@estuaire.JPG photo estuaire, event 16.04.24 12:01 image 3.59 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240416_1201_photo@estuaire.JPG 2404161201
105751 240416_1200_photo@estuaire.JPG photo estuaire, event 16.04.24 12:00 image 2.46 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240416_1200_photo@estuaire.JPG 2404161200
92625 240416-1937_photo@estuaire-radiomobile.jpg photo estuaire, radiomobile 16.04.24 19:37 image 0.50 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240416-1937_photo@estuaire-radiomobile.jpg 2404161937
92617 240416-1909_photo@estuaire-radiomobile.jpg photo estuaire, radiomobile 16.04.24 19:09 image 0.71 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240416-1909_photo@estuaire-radiomobile.jpg 2404161909
92616 240415-2012_photo@estuaire-radiomobile.jpg photo estuaire, radiomobile 15.04.24 20:12 image 0.38 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240415-2012_photo@estuaire-radiomobile.jpg 2404152012
92726 240415-1937_photo-chapitarp@chapitarp.jpg photo-chapitarp chapitarp 15.04.24 19:37 image 0.54 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240415-1937_photo-chapitarp@chapitarp.jpg 2404151937
92615 240415-1936_photo@estuaire-radiomobile.jpg photo estuaire, radiomobile 15.04.24 19:36 image 0.49 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240415-1936_photo@estuaire-radiomobile.jpg 2404151936
92724 240415-1936_photo-chapitarp@chapitarp.jpg photo-chapitarp chapitarp 15.04.24 19:36 image 0.71 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240415-1936_photo-chapitarp@chapitarp.jpg 2404151936
94060 240415-1458_photo-energy@energy.jpg photo-energy energy 15.04.24 14:58 image 1.11 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240415-1458_photo-energy@energy.jpg 2404151458
92213 240415-1319_remorque@remorque-estuaire.jpg remorque estuaire, remorque 15.04.24 13:19 image 0.82 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240415-1319_remorque@remorque-estuaire.jpg 2404151319
92212 240415-1318_remorque@remorque-estuaire.jpg remorque estuaire, remorque 15.04.24 13:18 image 0.72 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240415-1318_remorque@remorque-estuaire.jpg 2404151318
92211 240414-1220_remorque@remorque-estuaire.jpg remorque estuaire, remorque 14.04.24 12:20 image 0.36 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240414-1220_remorque@remorque-estuaire.jpg 2404141220
92725 240414-0804_photo-chapitarp@chapitarp.jpg photo-chapitarp chapitarp 14.04.24 08:04 image 0.86 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240414-0804_photo-chapitarp@chapitarp.jpg 2404140804
92803 240414-0803_photo-energy@energy.jpg photo-energy energy 14.04.24 08:03 image 0.77 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240414-0803_photo-energy@energy.jpg 2404140803
92723 240414-0803_photo-chapitarp@chapitarp.jpg photo-chapitarp chapitarp 14.04.24 08:03 image 0.76 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240414-0803_photo-chapitarp@chapitarp.jpg 2404140803
92614 240413-2151_photo@estuaire-radiomobile.jpg photo estuaire, radiomobile 13.04.24 21:51 image 0.43 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240413-2151_photo@estuaire-radiomobile.jpg 2404132151
92612 240413-2145_photo_2@estuaire-radiomobile.jpg photo_2 estuaire, radiomobile 13.04.24 21:45 image 0.44 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240413-2145_photo_2@estuaire-radiomobile.jpg 2404132145
92613 240413-2145_photo@estuaire-radiomobile.jpg photo estuaire, radiomobile 13.04.24 21:45 image 0.44 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240413-2145_photo@estuaire-radiomobile.jpg 2404132145
92802 240413-1749_photo-energy@energy.jpg photo-energy energy 13.04.24 17:49 image 0.62 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240413-1749_photo-energy@energy.jpg 2404131749
92800 240413-1748_photo-energy_2@energy.jpg photo-energy_2 energy 13.04.24 17:48 image 0.83 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240413-1748_photo-energy_2@energy.jpg 2404131748
92801 240413-1748_photo-energy@energy.jpg photo-energy energy 13.04.24 17:48 image 0.72 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240413-1748_photo-energy@energy.jpg 2404131748
92210 240413-1631_remorque@remorque-estuaire.jpg remorque estuaire, remorque 13.04.24 16:31 image 0.43 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240413-1631_remorque@remorque-estuaire.jpg 2404131631
92209 240413-1223_remorque_2@remorque-estuaire.jpg remorque_2 estuaire, remorque 13.04.24 12:23 image 0.51 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240413-1223_remorque_2@remorque-estuaire.jpg 2404131223
91792 240412_2200_pl4tform-chapitarp@estuaire.md pl4tform-chapitarp estuaire 12.04.24 22:00 text 0.00 2024 04 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240412_2200_pl4tform-chapitarp@estuaire.md![240412_2200_pl4tform-chapitarp@estuaire.gif](.attachments.91792/240412_2200_pl4tform-chapitarp%40estuaire.gif) 2404122200
91799 240412_2200_pl4tform-chapitarp@estuaire.gif pl4tform-chapitarp estuaire 12.04.24 22:00 image 1.88 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240412_2200_pl4tform-chapitarp@estuaire.gif 2404122200
92721 240411-1537_photo-chapitarp@chapitarp.jpg photo-chapitarp chapitarp 11.04.24 15:37 image 0.56 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240411-1537_photo-chapitarp@chapitarp.jpg 2404111537
92719 240411-1520_photo-chapitarp@chapitarp.jpg photo-chapitarp chapitarp 11.04.24 15:20 image 0.37 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240411-1520_photo-chapitarp@chapitarp.jpg 2404111520
92722 240411-1451_photo-chapitarp@chapitarp.jpg photo-chapitarp chapitarp 11.04.24 14:51 image 1.00 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240411-1451_photo-chapitarp@chapitarp.jpg 2404111451
92720 240411-1432_photo-chapitarp@chapitarp.jpg photo-chapitarp chapitarp 11.04.24 14:32 image 0.62 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240411-1432_photo-chapitarp@chapitarp.jpg 2404111432
59090 240410-1400_PL4TFORM FM - VOL.27 --- 3m0tional sO__Oup@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - VOL.27 --- 3m0tional sO__Oup pl4tformFM, emotional 10.04.24 14:00 audio 137.37 2024 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240410-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20VOL.27%20---%203m0tional%20sO__Oup@plfm.mp3 2404101400
93007 240406-1821_photos-rocketstove@rocketstove.jpg photos-rocketstove rocketstove 06.04.24 18:21 image 0.55 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240406-1821_photos-rocketstove@rocketstove.jpg 2404061821
93006 240406-1737_photos-rocketstove_2@rocketstove.jpg photos-rocketstove_2 rocketstove 06.04.24 17:37 image 0.65 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240406-1737_photos-rocketstove_2@rocketstove.jpg 2404061737
93005 240406-1737_photos-rocketstove@rocketstove.jpg photos-rocketstove rocketstove 06.04.24 17:37 image 0.51 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240406-1737_photos-rocketstove@rocketstove.jpg 2404061737
93002 240406-1736_photos-rocketstove@rocketstove.jpg photos-rocketstove rocketstove 06.04.24 17:36 image 0.03 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240406-1736_photos-rocketstove@rocketstove.jpg 2404061736
93003 240406-1650_photos-rocketstove_4@rocketstove.jpg photos-rocketstove_4 rocketstove 06.04.24 16:50 image 0.31 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240406-1650_photos-rocketstove_4@rocketstove.jpg 2404061650
93001 240406-1650_photos-rocketstove_3@rocketstove.jpg photos-rocketstove_3 rocketstove 06.04.24 16:50 image 0.29 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240406-1650_photos-rocketstove_3@rocketstove.jpg 2404061650
93000 240406-1650_photos-rocketstove_2@rocketstove.jpg photos-rocketstove_2 rocketstove 06.04.24 16:50 image 0.50 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240406-1650_photos-rocketstove_2@rocketstove.jpg 2404061650
93004 240406-1650_photos-rocketstove@rocketstove.jpg photos-rocketstove rocketstove 06.04.24 16:50 image 0.64 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240406-1650_photos-rocketstove@rocketstove.jpg 2404061650
92998 240406-1546_photos-rocketstove_2@rocketstove.jpg photos-rocketstove_2 rocketstove 06.04.24 15:46 image 0.50 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240406-1546_photos-rocketstove_2@rocketstove.jpg 2404061546
92999 240406-1546_photos-rocketstove@rocketstove.jpg photos-rocketstove rocketstove 06.04.24 15:46 image 0.46 2024 04 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240406-1546_photos-rocketstove@rocketstove.jpg 2404061546
58915 240403-1400_PL4TFORM FM - VOL.26 --- PS : MON ZOOM NE MARCHE PLUS@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - VOL.26 --- PS : MON ZOOM NE MARCHE PLUS pl4tformFM 03.04.24 14:00 audio 67.42 2024 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240403-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20VOL.26%20---%20PS%20:%20MON%20ZOOM%20NE%20MARCHE%20PLUS@plfm.mp3 2404031400
58911 240403-1400_PL4TFORM FM - VOL.26 --- PS : MON ZOOM NE MARCHE PLUS.md PL4TFORM FM - VOL.26 --- PS : MON ZOOM NE MARCHE PLUS No Tags 03.04.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 04 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240403-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20VOL.26%20---%20PS%20:%20MON%20ZOOM%20NE%20MARCHE%20PLUS.md 2404031400
72776 240401_1000_Radio-program-april@news.md Radio-program-april actus 01.04.24 10:00 text 0.00 2024 04 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240401_1000_Radio-program-april@news.md# APRIL 24 Radio --- french \[english below\] --- 📡 **03 avril \[VOL.26\]**  **"PS: MON ZOOM NE MARCHE PLUS"** **une journée de promenade dans les Causses du Quercy et de réflexions sur la pratique de l’écriture et ses rapports avec la réalité, par cheminchemin** 📡**10 avril \[VOL.27\]**   **17 avril \[VOL.28\]**  **24 avril\[VOL.29\]**   **on a pas encore tout fixé la prog, alors pour pas vous envoyer de fake, on laisse trois petits points en vous disant juste qu'il risque d'y avoir des histoires de sauces piquantes et de la musique de libellule.** --- english --- 📡**03 avril \[VOL.26\]**  **"PS: MON ZOOM NE MARCHE PLUS"** **une journée de promenade dans les Causses du Quercy et de réflexions sur la pratique de l’écriture et ses rapports avec la réalité, par cheminchemin** 📡**10 avril \[VOL.27\]**   **17 avril \[VOL.28\]**  **24 avril\[VOL.29\]**   **we didn't fix the program yet, and we don't want to send you fakes news huhu, we leave it mystery telling you that probably there will be some hot spicy sauce stories and dragonfly musics...** 2404011000
93146 240401-0000_chapitard@chapitarp-about.md chapitard chapitarp, about 01.04.24 00:00 text 0.00 2024 04 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240401-0000_chapitard@chapitarp-about.md# Chapitarp The chapitarp is a mix from chapiteau (french for circus dome) and tarp (a kind of tissue). We sewed this special form which can be installed from and around the bike trailer with 2 Bamboo sticks in the center and 1 on each corner. It gives a total rain- and sun-protected space of 30m². 2404010000
59062 240327-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.25 --- WAF THE WOOF@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol.25 --- WAF THE WOOF pl4tformFM 27.03.24 14:00 audio 137.33 2024 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240327-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.25%20---%20WAF%20THE%20WOOF@plfm.mp3 2403271400
58999 240327-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.25 --- WAF THE WOOF.md PL4TFORM FM - Vol.25 --- WAF THE WOOF No Tags 27.03.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 03 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240327-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.25%20---%20WAF%20THE%20WOOF.md 2403271400
58828 240320-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.24 --- 1ER MIX EVER de Jul de Bédéix@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol.24 --- 1ER MIX EVER de Jul de Bédéix pl4tformFM, musique 20.03.24 14:00 audio 109.89 2024 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240320-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.24%20---%201ER%20MIX%20EVER%20de%20Jul%20de%20Bédéix@plfm.mp3 2403201400
58853 240320-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.24 --- 1ER MIX EVER de Jul de Bédéix.md PL4TFORM FM - Vol.24 --- 1ER MIX EVER de Jul de Bédéix No Tags 20.03.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 03 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240320-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.24%20---%201ER%20MIX%20EVER%20de%20Jul%20de%20Bédéix.md 2403201400
58896 240313-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.23 --- Vincent Moon...@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol.23 --- Vincent Moon... pl4tformFM 13.03.24 14:00 audio 109.89 2024 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240313-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.23%20---%20Vincent%20Moon...@plfm.mp3 2403131400
59020 240313-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.23 --- Vincent Moon....md PL4TFORM FM - Vol.23 --- Vincent Moon... No Tags 13.03.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 03 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240313-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.23%20---%20Vincent%20Moon....md 2403131400
59018 240306-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.22 --- A propos de Scolopendre@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol.22 --- A propos de Scolopendre pl4tformFM, live au studio 06.03.24 14:00 audio 109.90 2024 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240306-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.22%20---%20A%20propos%20de%20Scolopendre@plfm.mp3 2403061400
59092 240306-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.22 --- A propos de Scolopendre.md PL4TFORM FM - Vol.22 --- A propos de Scolopendre No Tags 06.03.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 03 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240306-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.22%20---%20A%20propos%20de%20Scolopendre.md 2403061400
58963 240306-1305_le seum au coin du feu[16] --- Lecture article Mediapart_En Allemagne, un groupe d’extrême gauche « sabote » une usine Tesla@seum.mp3 le seum au coin du feu[16] --- Lecture article Mediapart_En Allemagne, un groupe d’extrême gauche « sabote » une usine Tesla seum 06.03.24 13:05 audio 10.84 2024 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240306-1305_le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[16]%20---%20Lecture%20article%20Mediapart_En%20Allemagne,%20un%20groupe%20d’extrême%20gauche%20«%20sabote%20»%20une%20usine%20Tesla@seum.mp3 2403061305
59056 240306-1305_le seum au coin du feu[16] --- Lecture article Mediapart_En Allemagne, un groupe d’extrême gauche « sabote » une usine Tesla.md le seum au coin du feu[16] --- Lecture article Mediapart_En Allemagne, un groupe d’extrême gauche « sabote » une usine Tesla No Tags 06.03.24 13:05 text 0.00 2024 03 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240306-1305_le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[16]%20---%20Lecture%20article%20Mediapart_En%20Allemagne,%20un%20groupe%20d’extrême%20gauche%20«%20sabote%20»%20une%20usine%20Tesla.md 2403061305
72790 240301_1000_Radio-program-mars@news.md Radio-program-mars actus 01.03.24 10:00 text 0.00 2024 03 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240301_1000_Radio-program-mars@news.md# MARCH 2024 Radio --- french \[english below\] --- **(\*=\*) le 06 mars_\_** **Présentation du label scolopendre // Le label bordelais qui a pour vocation de rassembler les plus bouleversantes créatures à sa portée, de les jeter le plus loin et le plus de fois possible dans le monde** **(^o^) le 13 mars_\_** **Torchon presente // Un voyage dans les petites planetes de vincent moon** **(°v°) le 20 mars_\_**   **Une surpriiiiise bientôt annoncée :)))** **(\~.\~) le 27 mars_\_** **WAF the WOOF // Une émission qui hérisse les poils et donne envie de se lécher les babines <3** --- english --- **(\*=\*) march 6th_\_** **Presentation of scolopendre label // The Bordeaux-based label whose mission is to bring together the most moving creatures within its reach, to throw them as far and as often as possible into the world.** **(^o^) le 13 mars_\_** **Torchon presents // A trip into the small planets of Vincent Moon** **(°v°) le 20 mars_\_** **Surpriiiiiise to be annonced :)))** **(\~.\~) le 27 mars_\_** **WAF the WOOF // A hair-raising, lip-smacking show <3** 2403011000
58856 240228-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.21 --- Bon Voyage@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol.21 --- Bon Voyage pl4tformFM 28.02.24 14:00 audio 137.33 2024 02 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240228-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.21%20---%20Bon%20Voyage@plfm.mp3 2402281400
58998 240228-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.21 --- Bon Voyage.md PL4TFORM FM - Vol.21 --- Bon Voyage No Tags 28.02.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 02 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240228-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.21%20---%20Bon%20Voyage.md 2402281400
39882 240226_1600_Avis de tempête_Palestine.md Avis de tempête_Palestine No Tags 26.02.24 16:00 text 0.00 2024 02 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240226_1600_Avis%20de%20tempête_Palestine.md 2402261600
59082 240221-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.20 --- Palestine@plfm-palestine.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol.20 --- Palestine pl4tformFM, palestine 21.02.24 14:00 audio 137.33 2024 02 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240221-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.20%20---%20Palestine@plfm-palestine.mp3 2402211400
58944 240221-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.20 --- Palestine.md PL4TFORM FM - Vol.20 --- Palestine No Tags 21.02.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 02 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240221-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.20%20---%20Palestine.md 2402211400
38557 240219_1458 TRIBUNE MEDIAPART@palestine.md TRIBUNE MEDIAPART palestine 19.02.24 14:58 text 0.00 2024 02 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240219_1458%20TRIBUNE%20MEDIAPART@palestine.md Tribune collective ## Empêchons l’assassinat de la culture palestinienne ![Capture.PNG](.attachments.38557/Capture.PNG) « À travers les activités artistiques et les institutions culturelles, l’existence même du peuple est visée. » Après le saccage du célèbre « Théâtre de la Liberté » le 13 décembre dernier par l’armée israélienne, un ensemble d'artistes et de personnalités dénonce cette stratégie d'effacement. « Massacrer l’enfance et la jeunesse, détruire les installations éducatives, abattre les porteurs de sa culture, c’est assassiner un peuple. » 2402191458
38477 240218_1633_NILE TO BANK@palestine.md NILE TO BANK palestine 18.02.24 16:33 text 0.00 2024 02 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240218_1633_NILE%20TO%20BANK@palestine.md Nile To Bank w/ Nihal on nts: ![Capture d’écran 2024-02-18 163519.png](.attachments.38477/Capture%20d%E2%80%99%C3%A9cran%202024-02-18%20163519.png) 2402181633
38445 240216_1840_MOQAWAMA@palestine.md MOQAWAMA palestine 16.02.24 18:40 text 0.00 2024 02 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240216_1840_MOQAWAMA@palestine.mdMoqawama (مقاومة), "resistance." V.A. OUT ON BANDCAMP ![Capture d’écran 2024-02-18 162944.png](.attachments.38445/Capture%20d%E2%80%99%C3%A9cran%202024-02-18%20162944.png) 2402161840
58875 240216-2200_LIVE --- TZII@cafe.mp3 LIVE --- TZII cafepompier 16.02.24 22:00 audio 71.93 2024 02 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240216-2200_LIVE%20---%20TZII@cafe.mp3 2402162200
59067 240216-2200_LIVE --- Officium@cafe.mp3 LIVE --- Officium cafepompier 16.02.24 22:00 audio 132.79 2024 02 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240216-2200_LIVE%20---%20Officium@cafe.mp3 2402162200
58802 240214-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.19 --- Amour Detour@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol.19 --- Amour Detour pl4tformFM 14.02.24 14:00 audio 136.55 2024 02 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240214-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.19%20---%20Amour%20Detour@plfm.mp3 2402141400
59079 240214-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.19 --- Amour Detour.md PL4TFORM FM - Vol.19 --- Amour Detour No Tags 14.02.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 02 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240214-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.19%20---%20Amour%20Detour.md 2402141400
38235 240212_2104_EXTENSIVE GUIDE OF RESOURCES ON QUEER AND TRANS PALESTINE@palestine.md EXTENSIVE GUIDE OF RESOURCES ON QUEER AND TRANS PALESTINE palestine 12.02.24 21:04 text 0.00 2024 02 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240212_2104_EXTENSIVE%20GUIDE%20OF%20RESOURCES%20ON%20QUEER%20AND%20TRANS%20PALESTINE@palestine.md![Capture d’écran 2024-02-12 210618.jpg](.attachments.38235/Capture%20d%E2%80%99%C3%A9cran%202024-02-12%20210618.jpg) [Click ici pour accéder au precious document ✊🏼](https://docs.google.com/document/d/12fMTV6L5Za8RkaukUdRMF6kB1V2ZPeAgUC7fXWmGWi8/edit?pli=1) 2402122104
70585 240212-1000_newsletter@news-onlyincat-long.md newsletter about, actus 12.02.24 10:00 text 0.00 2024 02 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240212-1000_newsletter@news-onlyincat-long.md# SUBSCRIBE TO NEWSLETTER 📫 Subscribe to our pl4tform-newsletter to receive one mail per month updating you about the pl4tform activities and radio sessions ✨ ➡️ 2402121000
58989 240207-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.18 --- Cebena - the cutix valley@plfm-cebe.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol.18 --- Cebena - the cutix valley pl4tformFM, cebena 07.02.24 14:00 audio 137.33 2024 02 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240207-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.18%20---%20Cebena%20-%20the%20cutix%20valley@plfm-cebe.mp3 2402071400
58965 240207-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.18 --- Cebena - the cutix valley.md PL4TFORM FM - Vol.18 --- Cebena - the cutix valley No Tags 07.02.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 02 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240207-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.18%20---%20Cebena%20-%20the%20cutix%20valley.md 2402071400
36616 240206_0021_checkpoint303@palestine.md checkpoint303 palestine 06.02.24 00:21 text 0.00 2024 02 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240206_0021_checkpoint303@palestine.md![image.png](.attachments.36616/image.png) 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 🎶 Checkpoint 303 is an activist sonic project that creates experimental & electronic music, by combining field recordings performed mainly in Palestine, Tunisia & Egypt with electronic beats, audio archives, oud & piano. Albums are available on spotify, soundcloud, bandcamp, etc. For updates, follow us on Instagram: @checkpoint303 [__checkpoint303.com__](http://www.checkpoint303.com/) 2402060021
36599 240205_2338_NO JUSTICE NO PEACE@palestine.md NO JUSTICE NO PEACE palestine 05.02.24 23:38 text 0.00 2024 02 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240205_2338_NO%20JUSTICE%20NO%20PEACE@palestine.md## 【🌩】 **NO JUSTICE NO PEACE** 【🌩】 ##### **ALERT !! ENORME PEPITE EN LIBRE ACCESS et CONTRIBUTION** ![ogen17.gif](.attachments.36599/ogen17.gif) This document includes writings, reports, images, and narratives from people living in Palestine and Israel, as well as those who have invested years in understanding the situation. It's an opportunity to take a break and listen to these voices, countering the sensationalism of mainstream media and the fast-paced nature of social networks. Within these pages, you will discover articles, podcasts, books, films, archives, and the perspectives of individuals and local organisations engaged in the struggle against Israeli settler colonialism. Please keep in mind that this document is not exhaustive. You are welcome to contribute to it <3 Lien vers le DOCUMENT 1 : Lien vers le DOCUMENT 2 : 2402052338
72800 240201_1000_Radio-program-febuary@news.md Radio-program-febuary actus 01.02.24 10:00 text 0.00 2024 02 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240201_1000_Radio-program-febuary@news.md# FEBUARY 24 Radio --- french \[english below\] --- **__Le 7 :__** le second épisode de CEBENNA THE CUTIX VALLEY par nos amix farfadets des montagnes, à réécouter dans l'archive radio sous la categorie Pl4tform FM **__Le 14 :__** un épisode du love <3 et qui présentera un évènement artistique qui aura lieu à bordoooo **__Le 21 :__** une sélection partagée autour de la Palestine et du conflit génocidaire en cours. Checkez ce blog pour aller plus loin : **__Le 28 :__** last but not least, un épisode full music composé à trois cEerR_voxxx à travers le cyberspace par nos spadassins mouvants --- english --- On 7: the second episode of CEBENNA THE CUTIX VALLEY by our amix mountain leprechauns, listen again in the radio archive under the Pl4tform FM category 14: an episode of love <3 featuring an artistic event to be held on boardoooooo On the 21st: a selection about Palestine and the ongoing genocidal conflict. Check out this blog to find out more: On the 28th: last but not least, a full music episode composed by three cEerR_voxxx across cyberspace by our moving spadassins 2402011000
34537 240131_2205_kioskradio@palestine.md kioskradio palestine 31.01.24 22:05 text 0.00 2024 01 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240131_2205_kioskradio@palestine.mdHala El Mohor is a writer and poet, curating events through collectives: Vostock-Brussels based musical space exploration, and Palettes of Palestine: resisting through arts and Palestinian culture. Adriaan de Roover is a musician. Hala and Adriaan met at Palettes of Palestine and started exchanging music afterwards that resulted in a radio show for Kiosk and Radio Alhara at the end of January '24. ![grafik (2).png](.attachments.34537/grafik%20%282%29.png) Listen on Soundcloud ➡️ 2401312205
34489 240131_2023_film_Israelsim@palestine.md film_Israelsim palestine 31.01.24 20:23 text 0.00 2024 01 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240131_2023_film_Israelsim@palestine.md# Film to watch: Israelsim 🔗 "Two young American Jews - Simone Zimmerman and Eitan - are raised to defend the state of Israel at all costs. Eitan joins the Israeli military. Simone supports Israel on ‘the other battlefield:’ America’s college campuses. When they witness Israel's mistreatment of the Palestinian people with their own eyes, they are horrified and heartbroken. They join the movement of young American Jews battling the old guard over Israel’s centrality in American Judaism, and demanding freedom for the Palestinian people. Their stories reveal a generational divide in the American Jewish community as more young Jews question the narratives their synagogues and Hebrew school teachers fed them as children." ![grafik (2).png](.attachments.34489/grafik%20%282%29.png) 2401312023
33981 240131_1117_Filastin Alhura with SoFabYouDie@palestine.md Filastin Alhura with SoFabYouDie palestine 31.01.24 11:17 text 0.00 2024 01 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240131_1117_Filastin%20Alhura%20with%20SoFabYouDie@palestine.md Les mots de Fadwa Tuqan et Mahmoud Darwich résonnent plus fort que jamais pour celleux qui, dans le monde entier, refusent de regarder en silence. L’art est une arme, il est temps qu’elle change de camp. Alors que tout est mis en œuvre pour que la fatigue prenne le dessus sur l’empathie, soyons partout. Il faut que les mots et les instruments résonnent. Nous ne voulons pas d’un énième mémorial laid, nous ne voulons pas d’une paix sans justice. En écoute sur ![Capture d’écran 2024-01-31 112136 (3).jpg](.attachments.33981/Capture%20d%E2%80%99%C3%A9cran%202024-01-31%20112136%20%283%29.jpg) 2401311117
33881 240131_0046_radio-alhara@palestine.md radio-alhara palestine 31.01.24 00:46 text 0.00 2024 01 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240131_0046_radio-alhara@palestine.md🔊 📡 Listen to the online radio station of Radio Alhara sending live from Gaza: ➡️ 2401310046
33880 240131_0046_Histoires Crépues_ L histoire coloniale derrière la guerre Israel-Palestine.md Histoires Crépues_ L histoire coloniale derrière la guerre Israel-Palestine No Tags 31.01.24 00:46 text 0.00 2024 01 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240131_0046_Histoires%20Crépues_%20L%20histoire%20coloniale%20derrière%20la%20guerre%20Israel-Palestine.md 2401310046
33844 240131_0037_What dj and musicians can do@palestine.md What dj and musicians can do palestine 31.01.24 00:37 text 0.00 2024 01 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240131_0037_What%20dj%20and%20musicians%20can%20do@palestine.md**A toolkit for DJs and musicians who stand with Palestine**  ![Capture d’écran 2024-01-31 004017 (3).jpg](.attachments.33844/Capture%20d%E2%80%99%C3%A9cran%202024-01-31%20004017%20%283%29.jpg) click sur ce lien ➡️ 2401310037
58880 240131-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.17 --- HYPERWINTERMIX@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol.17 --- HYPERWINTERMIX pl4tformFM, musique 31.01.24 14:00 audio 137.33 2024 01 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240131-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.17%20---%20HYPERWINTERMIX@plfm.mp3 2401311400
58924 240131-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.17 --- HYPERWINTERMIX.md PL4TFORM FM - Vol.17 --- HYPERWINTERMIX No Tags 31.01.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 01 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240131-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.17%20---%20HYPERWINTERMIX.md 2401311400
58993 240129-1502_le seum au coin du feu[15]_Malgré un appel à cesser les envois d’armes vers Israël, la France continuera d’en livrer@seum-palestine.mp3 le seum au coin du feu[15]_Malgré un appel à cesser les envois d’armes vers Israël, la France continuera d’en livrer palestine, seum 29.01.24 15:02 audio 19.19 2024 01 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240129-1502_le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[15]_Malgré%20un%20appel%20à%20cesser%20les%20envois%20d’armes%20vers%20Israël,%20la%20France%20continuera%20d’en%20livrer@seum-palestine.mp3 2401291502
59055 240129-1502_le seum au coin du feu[15]_Malgré un appel à cesser les envois d’armes vers Israël, la France continuera d’en livrer.txt le seum au coin du feu[15]_Malgré un appel à cesser les envois d’armes vers Israël, la France continuera d’en livrer No Tags 29.01.24 15:02 text 0.00 2024 01 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240129-1502_le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[15]_Malgré%20un%20appel%20à%20cesser%20les%20envois%20d’armes%20vers%20Israël,%20la%20France%20continuera%20d’en%20livrer.txt 2401291502
58868 240124-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.16 --- Jardi.net [Remix - Vol.2]@plfm_jardinet.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol.16 --- Jardi.net [Remix - Vol.2] pl4tformFM, jardinet, event 24.01.24 14:00 audio 137.33 2024 01 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240124-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.16%20---%20Jardi.net%20[Remix%20-%20Vol.2]@plfm_jardinet.mp3 2401241400
58809 240124-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.16 --- Jardi.net [Remix - Vol.2].md PL4TFORM FM - Vol.16 --- Jardi.net [Remix - Vol.2] No Tags 24.01.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 01 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240124-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.16%20---%20Jardi.net%20[Remix%20-%20Vol.2].md 2401241400
58891 240117-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.15 --- Jardi.net [Remix - Vol.1]@plfm_jardinet.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol.15 --- Jardi.net [Remix - Vol.1] pl4tformFM, jardinet, event 17.01.24 14:00 audio 137.34 2024 01 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240117-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.15%20---%20Jardi.net%20[Remix%20-%20Vol.1]@plfm_jardinet.mp3 2401171400
59064 240117-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.15 --- Jardi.net [Remix - Vol.1].md PL4TFORM FM - Vol.15 --- Jardi.net [Remix - Vol.1] No Tags 17.01.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 01 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240117-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.15%20---%20Jardi.net%20[Remix%20-%20Vol.1].md 2401171400
72837 240115-1000_rdv404@news-onlyincat.md rdv404 about, actus 15.01.24 10:00 text 0.00 2024 01 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240115-1000_rdv404@news-onlyincat.md# WORLDWIDE AGENDA ➡️ RDV404.eu.org 📆 😱 🤓 ➡️ ➡️ ⬅️⬅️ --- ==> we have to get out of insta, facebook, etc to organise the our sceenes --> check the agenda --> **create your own account and share your events** **or events you know of !** It takes twooo seconds and it will change everything @\_@ --> its the beginning but this crousty community is growing and we wont stop, till we organise our self in a free software cosmos <3 --- ==> il faut sortir d'insta, facebook, etc pour organiser nos scènes ORGANISONS-NOUS SANS META --> check l'agenda --> **faire toi ton propre compte et partage tes evennement ou celles autour de toi !** Ca prend deux secondes et ça va tout changer @\_@ --> c'est le début mais cette communauté croustillante grandit et nous ne nous arrêterons pas, jusqu'à ce que nous nous organisions dans un cosmos de logiciels libres <3 2401151000
92611 240112-1543_photo@jardinet.jpg photo jardinet, event 12.01.24 15:43 image 0.51 2024 01 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240112-1543_photo@jardinet.jpg 2401121543
70349 240110_1000_jardinet7@jardinet.jpg jardinet7 jardinet 10.01.24 10:00 image 1.17 2024 01 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240110_1000_jardinet7@jardinet.jpg 2401101000
70341 240110_1000_jardinet6@jardinet.jpg jardinet6 jardinet 10.01.24 10:00 image 1.00 2024 01 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240110_1000_jardinet6@jardinet.jpg 2401101000
70340 240110_1000_jardinet5@jardinet.jpg jardinet5 jardinet 10.01.24 10:00 image 0.65 2024 01 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240110_1000_jardinet5@jardinet.jpg 2401101000
70339 240110_1000_jardinet4@jardinet.jpg jardinet4 jardinet 10.01.24 10:00 image 0.83 2024 01 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240110_1000_jardinet4@jardinet.jpg 2401101000
70336 240110_1000_jardinet2@jardinet.jpg jardinet2 jardinet, event 10.01.24 10:00 image 0.60 2024 01 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240110_1000_jardinet2@jardinet.jpg 2401101000
58994 240110-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.14 --- oRbE dE sOiN Prismatik@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol.14 --- oRbE dE sOiN Prismatik pl4tformFM, musique 10.01.24 14:00 audio 137.57 2024 01 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240110-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.14%20---%20oRbE%20dE%20sOiN%20Prismatik@plfm.mp3 2401101400
58808 240110-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.14 --- oRbE dE sOiN Prismatik.md PL4TFORM FM - Vol.14 --- oRbE dE sOiN Prismatik No Tags 10.01.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 01 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240110-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.14%20---%20oRbE%20dE%20sOiN%20Prismatik.md 2401101400
59036 240103-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.13 --- 37C3 du Chaos Computer Club@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol.13 --- 37C3 du Chaos Computer Club pl4tformFM 03.01.24 14:00 audio 137.33 2024 01 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240103-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.13%20---%2037C3%20du%20Chaos%20Computer%20Club@plfm.mp3 2401031400
59053 240103-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.13 --- 37C3 du Chaos Computer Club.md PL4TFORM FM - Vol.13 --- 37C3 du Chaos Computer Club No Tags 03.01.24 14:00 text 0.00 2024 01 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240103-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.13%20---%2037C3%20du%20Chaos%20Computer%20Club.md 2401031400
60601 240101_1400_contact@pl4tform.txt contact No Tags 01.01.24 14:00 text 0.01 2024 01 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240101_1400_contact@pl4tform.txt 2401011400
93211 240101-0000_mobileradio@radiomobile-about.md mobileradio radiomobile, about 01.01.24 00:00 text 0.00 2024 01 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/240101-0000_mobileradio@radiomobile-about.md# Mobile radio-systems 2401010000
108365 231231_1300_cafe-pompier.md cafe-pompier cafepompier, about 31.12.23 13:00 text 0.00 2023 12 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231231_1300_cafe-pompier.mdRecordings of events in the Cafe Pompier (Bordeaux). Live concerts, DJsets, Lectures, Performances 2312311300
58803 231227-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.12 --- with Residence secondaire et quatrebornes@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol.12 --- with Residence secondaire et quatrebornes pl4tformFM 27.12.23 14:00 audio 137.32 2023 12 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231227-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.12%20---%20with%20Residence%20secondaire%20et%20quatrebornes@plfm.mp3 2312271400
58894 231227-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.12 --- with Residence secondaire et quatrebornes.md PL4TFORM FM - Vol.12 --- with Residence secondaire et quatrebornes No Tags 27.12.23 14:00 text 0.00 2023 12 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231227-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.12%20---%20with%20Residence%20secondaire%20et%20quatrebornes.md 2312271400
59087 231220-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.11@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol.11 pl4tformFM 20.12.23 14:00 audio 109.88 2023 12 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231220-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.11@plfm.mp3 2312201400
59025 231213-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.10 --- ACAB story@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol.10 --- ACAB story pl4tformFM 13.12.23 14:00 audio 137.33 2023 12 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231213-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.10%20---%20ACAB%20story@plfm.mp3 2312131400
59058 231213-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.10 --- ACAB story.md PL4TFORM FM - Vol.10 --- ACAB story No Tags 13.12.23 14:00 text 0.00 2023 12 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231213-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.10%20---%20ACAB%20story.md 2312131400
58844 231206-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.9 --- sous le jardin la prairie pousse - Sachap x Nawaf@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol.9 --- sous le jardin la prairie pousse - Sachap x Nawaf pl4tformFM 06.12.23 14:00 audio 137.33 2023 12 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231206-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.9%20---%20sous%20le%20jardin%20la%20prairie%20pousse%20-%20Sachap%20x%20Nawaf@plfm.mp3 2312061400
58793 231206-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.9 --- sous le jardin la prairie pousse - Sachap x Nawaf.md PL4TFORM FM - Vol.9 --- sous le jardin la prairie pousse - Sachap x Nawaf No Tags 06.12.23 14:00 text 0.00 2023 12 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231206-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.9%20---%20sous%20le%20jardin%20la%20prairie%20pousse%20-%20Sachap%20x%20Nawaf.md 2312061400
58956 231129-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.8 --- mix vinyls occitans by yael@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol.8 --- mix vinyls occitans by yael pl4tformFM, musique, live au studio 29.11.23 14:00 audio 109.90 2023 11 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231129-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.8%20---%20mix%20vinyls%20occitans%20by%20yael@plfm.mp3 2311291400
58879 231122-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.7 --- Le bruit court entre les roches@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol.7 --- Le bruit court entre les roches pl4tformFM 22.11.23 14:00 audio 137.33 2023 11 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231122-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.7%20---%20Le%20bruit%20court%20entre%20les%20roches@plfm.mp3 2311221400
72888 231120_1500_about-pl4tform@about.md about-pl4tform about 20.11.23 15:00 text 0.01 2023 11 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231120_1500_about-pl4tform@about.md# About Pl4tform version francais en bas // deutsche version weiter unten --- English --- Pl4tform was born a few weeks after an INFRAONDES event held secretly on an abandoned platform in the middle of the Garonne river. Pl4tform quickly became a lively, collaborative community, and a tool for broadcast, exchange and technical emancipation around open source and free software. ouhouuuuhhh join us now ---- share the softwaaaare ----- you'll be freeee hackerzzzzz ^o^ ==>>[ ;-)click here for the ref;-P ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sJUDx7iEJw) Pl4tform generates forms of dodging the centralization and capitalization of communication channels (internet, FM radio). Pl4tform is a server-shelter, itself hosted by Aquilenet, an associative internet service provider in Aquitaine. It works like a hyperlinked map, a rizhome connecting places and affinity contexts. If you wander around the site, you'll be able to glide between a garden, a cave, a café, an apartment, a cellar, a school, a street.... This cartography is always expanding, opening up and crossing these temporary zones of occupation. Formats and tools are made collectively. They are generated by doing and over time. <:p radio, diary, wiki, cloud... pfiouuu what wonders! RADIO: Each season, Pl4tform immerses itself for a few days in disheveled terrain and sparse crannies. At the end of the immersion, a public/radio event is shared to get the buzzing waaaaaaaaaaaaves\~\~°.0'-. Every Wednesday, you can listen to Pl4tform FM on La Clé des Ondes, a free radio station from Bordeaux FM that offers us an hour of DWYW (Do What You Want) broadcasting. AGENDA : [rdv404.eu.org](https://rdv404.eu.org/) publishes lots of cool events to support and share. WIKI : Makes available a wealth of documents and tutorials. A database regularly updated by Pl4tform members. Pl4tform invites you to scroll and click on all these nuggets. Here's an e-mail if you'd like to get in touch: coucou@pl4tform.org Bon voyage Guter Besuch s°°s --- Francais --- Pl4tform est née quelques semaines après un évènement INFRAONDES qui se déroulait secrètement sur une plateforme abandonnée au milieu de la Garonne. Pl4tform est devenue très rapidement une communauté mouvante et collaborative, et un outil de diffusion, d'échanges, d'émancipation technique autour de l'open source et des logiciels libres. ouhouuuuhhh join us now ---- share the softwaaaare ----- you'll be freeee hackerzzzzz ^o^ ==>>> [;-)click ici pour la ref;-P](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sJUDx7iEJw) Pl4tform génère des formes d'esquives à la centralisation et la capitalisation des canaux de communication (internet, radio FM). Pl4tform est un serveur-abri, lui-même hébergé par Aquilenet, fournisseur d'accès internet associatif en Aquitaine. Ça fonctionne comme une carte en hyperliens, un rizhome qui connecte lieux et contextes affinitaires. Si vous traînez sur le site, vous pourrez glisser entre un jardin, une grotte, un café, un appartement, une cave, une école, la rue.... Cette cartographie s'étend toujours, ouvre et traverse ces zones temporaires d'occupation. Les formats et outils se fabriquent collectivement. Ils s'engendrent par le faire et dans la durée. <:p radio, agenda, wiki, cloud... pfiouuu que de merveilles ! La RADIO : Chaque saison, Pl4tform s'immerge quelques jours sur des terrains ébouriffés et des recoins épars. À la fin de l'immersion, un événement public/radiophonique est partagé pour faire vibrer les oooooooooondes \~\~°.0'- Chaque mercredi, vous pouvez écouter Pl4tform FM sur La Clé des Ooooooooooondes, une radio libre bordelaise FM qui nous offre une heure de diffusion FCQTV (Fais Ce Que Tu Veux). L'AGENDA : [rdv404.eu.org](https://rdv404.eu.org/) publie une quantité d'events trop cool à soutenir et partager. Le WIKI : Rend accessible une quantité de documents et de tutoriels. Une base de données que les membres de Pl4tform alimentent régulièrement. Pl4tform vous invite à scroller et cliquer sur toutes ces pépites. Bon voyage Guter Besuch \___s°°s__\_ --- Deutsch --- Pl4tform entstand einige Wochen nach einer Veranstaltung des kollektivs Infraondes, die auf einer verlassenen Plattform mitten in der Garonne unterm Radar, stattfand. Pl4tform wurde sehr schnell zu einer beweglichen und kollaborativen Gemeinschaft und zu einem Werkzeug für die Verbreitung, den Austausch und die technische Emanzipation rund um Open Source und freie Software. ouhouuuuhhh join us now ---- share the softwaaaare ----- you'll be freeee hackerzzzzz ^o^ ==>> [;-)click here for the ref;-P ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sJUDx7iEJw) Pl4tform versucht Ausweichformen für die Zentralisierung und Kapitalisierung von Kommunikationskanälen (Internet, FM-Radio) zu schaffen. Pl4tform ist ein Community-Server, der wiederum von Aquilenet, einem assoziativen Internetprovider in Aquitanien (Süd-West-Frankreich), gehostet wird. Es funktioniert wie eine Karte mit Hyperlinks, ein Netzwerk, das Orte und affine Kontexte miteinander verbindet. Bei stöbern auf der Seite, triffst du auf einen Garten, eine Höhle, eine Café, eine Wohnung, einen Keller, eine Schule, die Straße.... und viele andere Knotenpunkte. Diese Kartografie dehnt sich immer weiter aus, öffnet und durchquert temporären Zonen der Besetzung. Die Formate und Werkzeuge werden kollektiv hergestellt. Sie entstehen durch das Machen und mit der Zeit. <:p Radio, Kalender, Wiki, Cloud ... ! RADIO : Jede Saison taucht Pl4tform für einige Tage in zerzaustes Gelände und spärliche Ecken ein. Am Ende jeder dieser temoprären Zonen steht ein öffentliches und radiophonisches Event was über die wellen übertragen wird \~\~°.0'- Jeden Mittwoch bieten uns das freie Radio aus Bordeaux "La cle des Ondes", ein Zeitfenster von 14 bis 15 Uhr und einen freifahrtschein dieses mit Pl4tform-Radio-Programm zu füllen. AGENDA: [rdv404.eu.org](https://rdv404.eu.org/) veröffentlicht eine Menge Events, die du unterstützen und teilen kannst. WIKI: Das Wiki Macht eine Menge an Dokumenten und Tutorials zugänglich. Eine Datenbank, die von den Mitgliedern von Pl4tform regelmäßig gefüllt wird. Pl4tform lädt dich ein, durch all das zu scrollen und zu klicken. Gute Reise Guter Besuch \___s°°s__\_ 2311201500
59007 231115-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.6 --- mix by residence secondaire@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol.6 --- mix by residence secondaire pl4tformFM, musique 15.11.23 14:00 audio 137.33 2023 11 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231115-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.6%20---%20mix%20by%20residence%20secondaire@plfm.mp3 2311151400
58947 231115-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.6 --- mix by residence secondaire.txt PL4TFORM FM - Vol.6 --- mix by residence secondaire No Tags 15.11.23 14:00 text 0.00 2023 11 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231115-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.6%20---%20mix%20by%20residence%20secondaire.txt 2311151400
59041 231109-2115_PLEIN TOMPETE --- Quatre Bornes [concert]@plei.mp3 PLEIN TOMPETE --- Quatre Bornes [concert] pleintompete, musique 09.11.23 21:15 audio 114.12 2023 11 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231109-2115_PLEIN%20TOMPETE%20---%20Quatre%20Bornes%20[concert]@plei.mp3 2311092115
58939 231109-2050_PLEIN TOMPETE --- Bulie Jordeaux [concert]@plei.mp3 PLEIN TOMPETE --- Bulie Jordeaux [concert] pleintompete, musique 09.11.23 20:50 audio 76.91 2023 11 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231109-2050_PLEIN%20TOMPETE%20---%20Bulie%20Jordeaux%20[concert]@plei.mp3 2311092050
59002 231109-2000_PLEIN TOMPETE --- Paul Emploi [concert]@plei.mp3 PLEIN TOMPETE --- Paul Emploi [concert] pleintompete, musique 09.11.23 20:00 audio 74.88 2023 11 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231109-2000_PLEIN%20TOMPETE%20---%20Paul%20Emploi%20[concert]@plei.mp3 2311092000
58964 231108-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.5 --- postcards sonores@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol.5 --- postcards sonores pl4tformFM 08.11.23 14:00 audio 137.33 2023 11 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231108-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.5%20---%20postcards%20sonores@plfm.mp3 2311081400
58940 231108-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.5 --- postcards sonores.txt PL4TFORM FM - Vol.5 --- postcards sonores No Tags 08.11.23 14:00 text 0.00 2023 11 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231108-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.5%20---%20postcards%20sonores.txt 2311081400
70306 231101_1405_pipistrelle1@pipi.jpg pipistrelle1 pipistrelles 01.11.23 14:05 image 0.72 2023 11 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231101_1405_pipistrelle1@pipi.jpg 2311011405
59028 231101-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.4 --- Radio Pipistrelle [Mix de 1H]@plfm-pipi.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol.4 --- Radio Pipistrelle [Mix de 1H] pl4tformFM, pipistrelles, event 01.11.23 14:00 audio 137.33 2023 11 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231101-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.4%20---%20Radio%20Pipistrelle%20[Mix%20de%201H]@plfm-pipi.mp3 2311011400
59072 231101-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.4 --- Radio Pipistrelle [Mix de 1H].txt PL4TFORM FM - Vol.4 --- Radio Pipistrelle [Mix de 1H] No Tags 01.11.23 14:00 text 0.00 2023 11 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231101-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.4%20---%20Radio%20Pipistrelle%20[Mix%20de%201H].txt 2311011400
59032 231030-1855_CAFE POMPIER - open mic lectures --- Fin+@cafe.mp3 CAFE POMPIER - open mic lectures --- Fin+ cafepompier 30.10.23 18:55 audio 3.39 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231030-1855_CAFE%20POMPIER%20-%20open%20mic%20lectures%20---%20Fin+@cafe.mp3 2310301855
58811 231030-1830_CAFE POMPIER - open mic lectures --- soeur jumo@cafe.mp3 CAFE POMPIER - open mic lectures --- soeur jumo cafepompier 30.10.23 18:30 audio 54.27 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231030-1830_CAFE%20POMPIER%20-%20open%20mic%20lectures%20---%20soeur%20jumo@cafe.mp3 2310301830
58789 231030-1815_CAFE POMPIER - open mic lectures --- Craiie - Nous oublions@cafe.mp3 CAFE POMPIER - open mic lectures --- Craiie - Nous oublions cafepompier 30.10.23 18:15 audio 27.73 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231030-1815_CAFE%20POMPIER%20-%20open%20mic%20lectures%20---%20Craiie%20-%20Nous%20oublions@cafe.mp3 2310301815
58901 231030-1800_CAFE POMPIER - open mic lectures --- Célène - le bruit du bruit@cafe.mp3 CAFE POMPIER - open mic lectures --- Célène - le bruit du bruit cafepompier 30.10.23 18:00 audio 7.33 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231030-1800_CAFE%20POMPIER%20-%20open%20mic%20lectures%20---%20Célène%20-%20le%20bruit%20du%20bruit@cafe.mp3 2310301800
58849 231030-1800_CAFE POMPIER - open mic lectures --- Célène - le bruit du bruit.txt CAFE POMPIER - open mic lectures --- Célène - le bruit du bruit No Tags 30.10.23 18:00 text 0.00 2023 10 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231030-1800_CAFE%20POMPIER%20-%20open%20mic%20lectures%20---%20Célène%20-%20le%20bruit%20du%20bruit.txt 2310301800
58981 231030-1740_CAFE POMPIER - open mic lectures --- Othilie - jourde ledoux les montagnes de mon père@cafe.mp3 CAFE POMPIER - open mic lectures --- Othilie - jourde ledoux les montagnes de mon père cafepompier 30.10.23 17:40 audio 14.55 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231030-1740_CAFE%20POMPIER%20-%20open%20mic%20lectures%20---%20Othilie%20-%20jourde%20ledoux%20%20les%20montagnes%20de%20mon%20père@cafe.mp3 2310301740
58805 231030-1740_CAFE POMPIER - open mic lectures --- Othilie - jourde ledoux les montagnes de mon père.txt CAFE POMPIER - open mic lectures --- Othilie - jourde ledoux les montagnes de mon père No Tags 30.10.23 17:40 text 0.00 2023 10 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231030-1740_CAFE%20POMPIER%20-%20open%20mic%20lectures%20---%20Othilie%20-%20jourde%20ledoux%20%20les%20montagnes%20de%20mon%20père.txt 2310301740
58845 231030-1721_CAFE POMPIER - open mic lectures --- Manon - le château sans noms@cafe.mp3 CAFE POMPIER - open mic lectures --- Manon - le château sans noms cafepompier 30.10.23 17:21 audio 12.06 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231030-1721_CAFE%20POMPIER%20-%20open%20mic%20lectures%20---%20Manon%20-%20le%20château%20sans%20noms@cafe.mp3 2310301721
58870 231030-1719_CAFE POMPIER - open mic lectures --- ouverture@cafe.mp3 CAFE POMPIER - open mic lectures --- ouverture cafepompier 30.10.23 17:19 audio 1.24 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231030-1719_CAFE%20POMPIER%20-%20open%20mic%20lectures%20---%20ouverture@cafe.mp3 2310301719
108409 231029_2000_oieseaumecanique.md oieseaumecanique oiseauxmecaniques, about 29.10.23 20:00 text 0.00 2023 10 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231029_2000_oieseaumecanique.mdCette soirée aux oiseaux mécaniques c’était au début, Kevin du label fougère qui cherche un lieu pour fêter les 10 ans de son label, et puis ça devient le lancement de son nouvel album, ainsi qu’une étape dans la tournée de Mire, Dark Mimosa, Moineau Écarlate et DJ Krashnahorkai. C’est l’occasion aussi pour BARRIERE de jouer pour la première fois, et pour Nino et Djul d’éditer les premiers sachets fraîcheur (édition de collage et son associés). Fritouxx a sorti sa hotline: textos, dédicaces ont été diffusé entre les lives. Tout cela sous l’oreille enregistreuse de Léo qui nous offre ce document. 2310292000
58968 231029-0043_Soiree Oiseaux Mecaniques --- MIRE@oise.mp3 Soiree Oiseaux Mecaniques --- MIRE oiseauxmecaniques 29.10.23 00:43 audio 73.64 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231029-0043_Soiree%20Oiseaux%20Mecaniques%20---%20MIRE@oise.mp3 2310290043
58905 231029-0043_Soiree Oiseaux Mecaniques --- MIRE (v2)@oise.mp3 Soiree Oiseaux Mecaniques --- MIRE (v2) oiseauxmecaniques 29.10.23 00:43 audio 73.64 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231029-0043_Soiree%20Oiseaux%20Mecaniques%20---%20MIRE%20(v2)@oise.mp3 2310290043
58851 231029-0001_Soiree Oiseaux Mecaniques --- HOTLINE@oise.mp3 Soiree Oiseaux Mecaniques --- HOTLINE oiseauxmecaniques 29.10.23 00:01 audio 0.77 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231029-0001_Soiree%20Oiseaux%20Mecaniques%20---%20HOTLINE@oise.mp3 2310290001
58922 231028-2335_Soiree Oiseaux Mecaniques --- DARK MIMOSA@oise.mp3 Soiree Oiseaux Mecaniques --- DARK MIMOSA oiseauxmecaniques, musique 28.10.23 23:35 audio 62.28 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231028-2335_Soiree%20Oiseaux%20Mecaniques%20---%20DARK%20MIMOSA@oise.mp3 2310282335
59050 231028-2230_Soiree Oiseaux Mecaniques --- HOTLINE@oise.mp3 Soiree Oiseaux Mecaniques --- HOTLINE oiseauxmecaniques, musique 28.10.23 22:30 audio 3.02 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231028-2230_Soiree%20Oiseaux%20Mecaniques%20---%20HOTLINE@oise.mp3 2310282230
59049 231028-2200_Soiree Oiseaux Mecaniques --- MOINEAU ECARLATE@oise.mp3 Soiree Oiseaux Mecaniques --- MOINEAU ECARLATE oiseauxmecaniques, musique 28.10.23 22:00 audio 107.86 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231028-2200_Soiree%20Oiseaux%20Mecaniques%20---%20MOINEAU%20ECARLATE@oise.mp3 2310282200
58938 231028-2130_Soiree Oiseaux Mecaniques --- BARRIERE@oise.mp3 Soiree Oiseaux Mecaniques --- BARRIERE oiseauxmecaniques, musique 28.10.23 21:30 audio 46.81 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231028-2130_Soiree%20Oiseaux%20Mecaniques%20---%20BARRIERE@oise.mp3 2310282130
58807 231028-2000_Soiree Oiseaux Mecaniques --- INTERLUDES BY DJ KRASHNAORKAI@oise.mp3 Soiree Oiseaux Mecaniques --- INTERLUDES BY DJ KRASHNAORKAI oiseauxmecaniques, musique 28.10.23 20:00 audio 366.30 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231028-2000_Soiree%20Oiseaux%20Mecaniques%20---%20INTERLUDES%20BY%20DJ%20KRASHNAORKAI@oise.mp3 2310282000
70313 231027_1900_pipistrelle9@pipi.jpg pipistrelle9 pipistrelles 27.10.23 19:00 image 6.47 2023 10 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231027_1900_pipistrelle9@pipi.jpg 2310271900
70310 231027_1900_pipistrelle8@pipi.jpg pipistrelle8 pipistrelles 27.10.23 19:00 image 0.29 2023 10 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231027_1900_pipistrelle8@pipi.jpg 2310271900
70311 231027_1900_pipistrelle7@pipi.jpg pipistrelle7 pipistrelles 27.10.23 19:00 image 0.29 2023 10 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231027_1900_pipistrelle7@pipi.jpg 2310271900
70309 231027_1900_pipistrelle6@pipi.jpg pipistrelle6 pipistrelles 27.10.23 19:00 image 0.38 2023 10 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231027_1900_pipistrelle6@pipi.jpg 2310271900
70308 231027_1900_pipistrelle5@pipi.jpg pipistrelle5 pipistrelles 27.10.23 19:00 image 0.27 2023 10 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231027_1900_pipistrelle5@pipi.jpg 2310271900
70307 231027_1900_pipistrelle4@pipi.jpg pipistrelle4 pipistrelles 27.10.23 19:00 image 0.36 2023 10 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231027_1900_pipistrelle4@pipi.jpg 2310271900
70305 231027_1900_pipistrelle3@pipi.jpg pipistrelle3 pipistrelles 27.10.23 19:00 image 0.25 2023 10 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231027_1900_pipistrelle3@pipi.jpg 2310271900
70312 231027_1900_pipistrelle10@pipi.jpg pipistrelle10 pipistrelles 27.10.23 19:00 image 0.37 2023 10 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231027_1900_pipistrelle10@pipi.jpg 2310271900
105616 231027_1900_pipistrelle.JPG pipistrelle pipistrelles, event 27.10.23 19:00 image 3.71 2023 10 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231027_1900_pipistrelle.JPG 2310271900
58977 231027-1930_Radio Pipistrelle --- ByeBye Pipistrelle@pipi.mp3 Radio Pipistrelle --- ByeBye Pipistrelle pipistrelles 27.10.23 19:30 audio 14.65 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231027-1930_Radio%20Pipistrelle%20---%20ByeBye%20Pipistrelle@pipi.mp3 2310271930
59027 231027-1920_Radio Pipistrelle --- BillyBop Lecture@pipi.mp3 Radio Pipistrelle --- BillyBop Lecture pipistrelles 27.10.23 19:20 audio 16.06 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231027-1920_Radio%20Pipistrelle%20---%20BillyBop%20Lecture@pipi.mp3 2310271920
58928 231027-1840_Radio Pipistrelle --- Kayass Live@pipi.mp3 Radio Pipistrelle --- Kayass Live pipistrelles 27.10.23 18:40 audio 87.42 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231027-1840_Radio%20Pipistrelle%20---%20Kayass%20Live@pipi.mp3 2310271840
58953 231027-1835_Radio Pipistrelle --- Interlude Residence Secondaire + Hotline@pipi.mp3 Radio Pipistrelle --- Interlude Residence Secondaire + Hotline pipistrelles 27.10.23 18:35 audio 13.56 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231027-1835_Radio%20Pipistrelle%20---%20Interlude%20Residence%20Secondaire%20+%20Hotline@pipi.mp3 2310271835
58883 231027-1825_Radio Pipistrelle --- Craiie lecture Goutte de peu@pipi.mp3 Radio Pipistrelle --- Craiie lecture Goutte de peu pipistrelles 27.10.23 18:25 audio 19.82 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231027-1825_Radio%20Pipistrelle%20---%20Craiie%20lecture%20Goutte%20de%20peu@pipi.mp3 2310271825
58984 231027-1820_Radio Pipistrelle --- Interlude Residence Secondaire@pipi.mp3 Radio Pipistrelle --- Interlude Residence Secondaire pipistrelles 27.10.23 18:20 audio 9.75 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231027-1820_Radio%20Pipistrelle%20---%20Interlude%20Residence%20Secondaire@pipi.mp3 2310271820
59089 231027-1810_Radio Pipistrelle --- Scobiya Recette Saudade@pipi.mp3 Radio Pipistrelle --- Scobiya Recette Saudade pipistrelles 27.10.23 18:10 audio 6.73 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231027-1810_Radio%20Pipistrelle%20---%20Scobiya%20Recette%20Saudade@pipi.mp3 2310271810
58997 231027-1750_Radio Pipistrelle --- Ventre Bleu@pipi.mp3 Radio Pipistrelle --- Ventre Bleu pipistrelles 27.10.23 17:50 audio 49.36 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231027-1750_Radio%20Pipistrelle%20---%20Ventre%20Bleu@pipi.mp3 2310271750
59037 231027-1745_Radio Pipistrelle --- Interlude Residence Secondaire@pipi.mp3 Radio Pipistrelle --- Interlude Residence Secondaire pipistrelles 27.10.23 17:45 audio 13.54 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231027-1745_Radio%20Pipistrelle%20---%20Interlude%20Residence%20Secondaire@pipi.mp3 2310271745
59080 231027-1735_Radio Pipistrelle --- Deuil Civil@pipi.mp3 Radio Pipistrelle --- Deuil Civil pipistrelles 27.10.23 17:35 audio 25.37 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231027-1735_Radio%20Pipistrelle%20---%20Deuil%20Civil@pipi.mp3 2310271735
58950 231027-1730_Radio Pipistrelle --- Interlude Residence Secondaire + Hotline@pipi.mp3 Radio Pipistrelle --- Interlude Residence Secondaire + Hotline pipistrelles 27.10.23 17:30 audio 6.56 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231027-1730_Radio%20Pipistrelle%20---%20Interlude%20Residence%20Secondaire%20+%20Hotline@pipi.mp3 2310271730
59014 231027-1655_Radio Pipistrelle --- Les Gerisseuses Episode 2 - soulager - un podcast de Lea Tissot@pipi.mp3 Radio Pipistrelle --- Les Gerisseuses Episode 2 - soulager - un podcast de Lea Tissot pipistrelles, sorcière 27.10.23 16:55 audio 72.75 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231027-1655_Radio%20Pipistrelle%20---%20Les%20Gerisseuses%20Episode%202%20-%20soulager%20-%20un%20podcast%20de%20Lea%20Tissot@pipi.mp3 2310271655
58969 231027-1650_Radio Pipistrelle --- Scobiya@pipi.mp3 Radio Pipistrelle --- Scobiya pipistrelles 27.10.23 16:50 audio 7.63 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231027-1650_Radio%20Pipistrelle%20---%20Scobiya@pipi.mp3 2310271650
58920 231027-1640_Radio Pipistrelle --- Torchon@pipi.mp3 Radio Pipistrelle --- Torchon pipistrelles 27.10.23 16:40 audio 26.41 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231027-1640_Radio%20Pipistrelle%20---%20Torchon@pipi.mp3 2310271640
58801 231027-1635_Radio Pipistrelle --- Hotline 1@pipi.mp3 Radio Pipistrelle --- Hotline 1 pipistrelles 27.10.23 16:35 audio 5.47 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231027-1635_Radio%20Pipistrelle%20---%20Hotline%201@pipi.mp3 2310271635
59003 231027-1630_Radio Pipistrelle --- Interlude Residence Secondaire@pipi.mp3 Radio Pipistrelle --- Interlude Residence Secondaire pipistrelles 27.10.23 16:30 audio 16.52 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231027-1630_Radio%20Pipistrelle%20---%20Interlude%20Residence%20Secondaire@pipi.mp3 2310271630
59083 231027-1615_Radio Pipistrelle --- Jujulove Prometheus@pipi.mp3 Radio Pipistrelle --- Jujulove Prometheus pipistrelles 27.10.23 16:15 audio 24.47 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231027-1615_Radio%20Pipistrelle%20---%20Jujulove%20Prometheus@pipi.mp3 2310271615
58951 231027-1605_Radio Pipistrelle --- Craiie - lecture - Il y a [....] a comprendre@pipi.mp3 Radio Pipistrelle --- Craiie - lecture - Il y a [....] a comprendre pipistrelles 27.10.23 16:05 audio 14.50 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231027-1605_Radio%20Pipistrelle%20---%20Craiie%20-%20lecture%20-%20Il%20y%20a%20[....]%20a%20comprendre@pipi.mp3 2310271605
58859 231027-1600_Radio Pipistrelle.txt Radio Pipistrelle No Tags 27.10.23 16:00 text 0.00 2023 10 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231027-1600_Radio%20Pipistrelle.txt 2310271600
58906 231027-1600_Radio Pipistrelle --- Welcome to Radio Pipistrelle@pipi.mp3 Radio Pipistrelle --- Welcome to Radio Pipistrelle pipistrelles 27.10.23 16:00 audio 6.87 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231027-1600_Radio%20Pipistrelle%20---%20Welcome%20to%20Radio%20Pipistrelle@pipi.mp3 2310271600
70304 231025_1900_pipistrelle2@pipi.jpg pipistrelle2 pipistrelles 25.10.23 19:00 image 0.25 2023 10 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231025_1900_pipistrelle2@pipi.jpg 2310251900
59066 231025-1900_Cebena - the cutix valley@cebe.mp3 Cebena - the cutix valley cebena 25.10.23 19:00 audio 100.15 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231025-1900_Cebena%20-%20the%20cutix%20valley@cebe.mp3 2310251900
59088 231025-1900_Cebena - the cutix valley.txt Cebena - the cutix valley No Tags 25.10.23 19:00 text 0.00 2023 10 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231025-1900_Cebena%20-%20the%20cutix%20valley.txt 2310251900
58848 231025-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.3 --- 1er fois en live depuis la Studio de la cle des ondes@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol.3 --- 1er fois en live depuis la Studio de la cle des ondes pl4tformFM 25.10.23 14:00 audio 109.92 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231025-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.3%20---%201er%20fois%20en%20live%20depuis%20la%20Studio%20de%20la%20cle%20des%20ondes@plfm.mp3 2310251400
59077 231025-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.3 --- 1er fois en live depuis la Studio de la cle des ondes.txt PL4TFORM FM - Vol.3 --- 1er fois en live depuis la Studio de la cle des ondes No Tags 25.10.23 14:00 text 0.00 2023 10 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231025-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.3%20---%201er%20fois%20en%20live%20depuis%20la%20Studio%20de%20la%20cle%20des%20ondes.txt 2310251400
93262 231025-0000_pipi@pipi-about.md pipi pipistrelles, about 25.10.23 00:00 text 0.00 2023 10 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231025-0000_pipi@pipi-about.md# Radio Pipistrelle Radio Pipistrelle was a temporary radio-station broadcast from a secret cave. For few hours, Radio Pipistrelle gave place to accoustics concerts, lectures, a hotline, and celestial spells. 2310250000
58962 231018-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.2 --- Okay Radio Krupnik@plfm-krup.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol.2 --- Okay Radio Krupnik pl4tformFM, krupnik 18.10.23 14:00 audio 137.33 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231018-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.2%20---%20Okay%20Radio%20Krupnik@plfm-krup.mp3 2310181400
58831 231018-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.2 --- Okay Radio Krupnik.txt PL4TFORM FM - Vol.2 --- Okay Radio Krupnik No Tags 18.10.23 14:00 text 0.00 2023 10 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231018-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.2%20---%20Okay%20Radio%20Krupnik.txt 2310181400
58904 231011-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.1 --- Une balade dans les archives de 2023@plfm.mp3 PL4TFORM FM - Vol.1 --- Une balade dans les archives de 2023 pl4tformFM 11.10.23 14:00 audio 137.64 2023 10 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231011-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.1%20---%20Une%20balade%20dans%20les%20archives%20de%202023@plfm.mp3 2310111400
58847 231011-1400_PL4TFORM FM - Vol.1 --- Une balade dans les archives de 2023.txt PL4TFORM FM - Vol.1 --- Une balade dans les archives de 2023 No Tags 11.10.23 14:00 text 0.00 2023 10 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231011-1400_PL4TFORM%20FM%20-%20Vol.1%20---%20Une%20balade%20dans%20les%20archives%20de%202023.txt 2310111400
93253 231001-0000_plfm@plfm-about.md plfm pl4tformFM, about 01.10.23 00:00 text 0.00 2023 10 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/231001-0000_plfm@plfm-about.md# Pl4tform FM 😀 PL4TFORM FM is the weekly show of Radio Pl4tform on the free radio station La Cle des Ondes in Bordeaux. Every Wednesday from 14H to 15H PL4TFORM FM is live on the radio frequency 90.10 in and around Bordeaux. You can also listen to it online on [lacledesondes.fr](http://lacledesondes.fr) On navigue entre les formats, les rivières, les actions, les situations. Chaque mercredi, PL4TFORM FM diffuse un goût pas si net à identifier. Poésies microscopiques, activisme hardant, récits elfiques, musiques trollesques, manifestes en copy paste, berceuses de pipistrelles, grincements terrestres... Vos oreilles n'ont pas fini de randonner sur les tout-terrains. On tente quand même de vous guider, mais chaussez vos libertés d'écoute. LISTEN TO THE ARCHIVES ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ 2310010000
58877 230928-2132_PLEIN TOMPETE --- Arthur Chambry [concert]@plei.mp3 PLEIN TOMPETE --- Arthur Chambry [concert] pleintompete, musique 28.09.23 21:32 audio 114.20 2023 09 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230928-2132_PLEIN%20TOMPETE%20---%20Arthur%20Chambry%20[concert]@plei.mp3 2309282132
58826 230928-2011_PLEIN TOMPETE --- Kalis [concert]@plei.mp3 PLEIN TOMPETE --- Kalis [concert] pleintompete, musique 28.09.23 20:11 audio 49.13 2023 09 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230928-2011_PLEIN%20TOMPETE%20---%20Kalis%20[concert]@plei.mp3 2309282011
58812 230928-1830_PLEIN TOMPETE --- Arthur Chambry [concert dans la grotte]@plei.mp3 PLEIN TOMPETE --- Arthur Chambry [concert dans la grotte] pleintompete, musique 28.09.23 18:30 audio 154.91 2023 09 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230928-1830_PLEIN%20TOMPETE%20---%20Arthur%20Chambry%20[concert%20dans%20la%20grotte]@plei.mp3 2309281830
58865 230831_0200_LECTURE --- Au bord de tes levres - craiie@nocl.mp3 LECTURE --- Au bord de tes levres - craiie No Tags 31.08.23 02:00 audio 5.75 2023 08 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230831_0200_LECTURE%20---%20Au%20bord%20de%20tes%20levres%20-%20craiie@nocl.mp3 2308310200
58961 230723_2130_LECTURE IMPRO --- Les Oiseaux aiment s entendre chanter - craiie@nocl.mp3 LECTURE IMPRO --- Les Oiseaux aiment s entendre chanter - craiie No Tags 23.07.23 21:30 audio 11.72 2023 07 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230723_2130_LECTURE%20IMPRO%20---%20Les%20Oiseaux%20aiment%20s%20entendre%20chanter%20-%20craiie@nocl.mp3 2307232130
92208 230701-1700_remorque@remorque.jpg remorque remorque 01.07.23 17:00 image 0.39 2023 07 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230701-1700_remorque@remorque.jpg 2307011700
59078 230623_2200-CONCERT --- Conversation @cafe.mp3 -CONCERT --- Conversation cafepompier 23.06.23 22:00 audio 48.37 2023 06 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230623_2200-CONCERT%20---%20Conversation%20@cafe.mp3 2306232200
58881 230622_1850_Nouvelle Branche --- PODCAST --- Radio, chantier et reseau PARTIE II - craiie ft. Leo@crai.mp3 Nouvelle Branche --- PODCAST --- Radio, chantier et reseau PARTIE II - craiie ft. Leo crai 22.06.23 18:50 audio 23.53 2023 06 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230622_1850_Nouvelle%20Branche%20---%20PODCAST%20---%20Radio,%20chantier%20et%20reseau%20PARTIE%20II%20-%20craiie%20ft.%20Leo@crai.mp3 2306221850
58973 230622_1850_Nouvelle Branche --- PODCAST --- Radio, chantier et reseau PARTIE I - craiie ft. Leo@crai.mp3 Nouvelle Branche --- PODCAST --- Radio, chantier et reseau PARTIE I - craiie ft. Leo crai 22.06.23 18:50 audio 28.08 2023 06 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230622_1850_Nouvelle%20Branche%20---%20PODCAST%20---%20Radio,%20chantier%20et%20reseau%20PARTIE%20I%20-%20craiie%20ft.%20Leo@crai.mp3 2306221850
59047 230622-1840_LECTURE --- Souterrain - craiie (Ecoute avec casque ou ecouteurs)@nocl.mp3 LECTURE --- Souterrain - craiie (Ecoute avec casque ou ecouteurs) No Tags 22.06.23 18:40 audio 6.22 2023 06 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230622-1840_LECTURE%20---%20Souterrain%20-%20craiie%20(Ecoute%20avec%20casque%20ou%20ecouteurs)@nocl.mp3 2306221840
58912 230609-1228-le seum au coin du feu[14]_Entretien Reporterre -Sabotages Viser l industrie du beton est plus que legitime@seum.mp3 -le seum au coin du feu[14]_Entretien Reporterre -Sabotages Viser l industrie du beton est plus que legitime seum 09.06.23 12:28 audio 15.66 2023 06 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230609-1228-le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[14]_Entretien%20Reporterre%20-Sabotages%20%20Viser%20l%20industrie%20du%20beton%20est%20plus%20que%20legitime@seum.mp3 2306091228
58900 230609-1228-le seum au coin du feu[14]_Entretien Reporterre -Sabotages Viser l industrie du beton est plus que legitime.txt -le seum au coin du feu[14]_Entretien Reporterre -Sabotages Viser l industrie du beton est plus que legitime No Tags 09.06.23 12:28 text 0.00 2023 06 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230609-1228-le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[14]_Entretien%20Reporterre%20-Sabotages%20%20Viser%20l%20industrie%20du%20beton%20est%20plus%20que%20legitime.txt 2306091228
59091 230605-2330_LECTURE --- Je cherche - craiie@nocl.mp3 LECTURE --- Je cherche - craiie No Tags 05.06.23 23:30 audio 1.88 2023 06 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230605-2330_LECTURE%20---%20Je%20cherche%20-%20craiie@nocl.mp3 2306052330
59038 230527-2345_DJSET --- 130E0A@cafe.mp3 DJSET --- 130E0A cafepompier 27.05.23 23:45 audio 202.02 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230527-2345_DJSET%20---%20130E0A@cafe.mp3 2305272345
58890 230527-2330_DJSET --- Melocoton@cafe.mp3 DJSET --- Melocoton cafepompier 27.05.23 23:30 audio 184.64 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230527-2330_DJSET%20---%20Melocoton@cafe.mp3 2305272330
58792 230527-2215_LIVE --- Maquis Son Sistem@cafe.mp3 LIVE --- Maquis Son Sistem cafepompier 27.05.23 22:15 audio 146.71 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230527-2215_LIVE%20---%20Maquis%20Son%20Sistem@cafe.mp3 2305272215
59061 230527-2215_DJSET --- Kayass@cafe.mp3 DJSET --- Kayass cafepompier 27.05.23 22:15 audio 156.56 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230527-2215_DJSET%20---%20Kayass@cafe.mp3 2305272215
59033 230525-2220_OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Fin@krup.mp3 OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Fin krupnik 25.05.23 22:20 audio 9.41 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230525-2220_OKAY%20RADIO%20KRUPNIK%20---%20Fin@krup.mp3 2305252220
59016 230525-2130_OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Elizabeth Vogler@krup.mp3 OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Elizabeth Vogler krupnik 25.05.23 21:30 audio 83.45 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230525-2130_OKAY%20RADIO%20KRUPNIK%20---%20Elizabeth%20Vogler@krup.mp3 2305252130
59017 230525-2115_OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Hotline du 33@krup.mp3 OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Hotline du 33 krupnik 25.05.23 21:15 audio 21.21 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230525-2115_OKAY%20RADIO%20KRUPNIK%20---%20Hotline%20du%2033@krup.mp3 2305252115
59024 230525-2040_OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Crasse et Paillettes@krup.mp3 OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Crasse et Paillettes krupnik 25.05.23 20:40 audio 86.29 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230525-2040_OKAY%20RADIO%20KRUPNIK%20---%20Crasse%20et%20Paillettes@krup.mp3 2305252040
58919 230525-2035_OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Hotline du 33@krup.mp3 OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Hotline du 33 krupnik 25.05.23 20:35 audio 15.78 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230525-2035_OKAY%20RADIO%20KRUPNIK%20---%20Hotline%20du%2033@krup.mp3 2305252035
58835 230525-2015_OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- kayass@krup.mp3 OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- kayass krupnik 25.05.23 20:15 audio 50.00 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230525-2015_OKAY%20RADIO%20KRUPNIK%20---%20kayass@krup.mp3 2305252015
59093 230525-2005_OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Billy Bop DJ@krup.mp3 OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Billy Bop DJ krupnik 25.05.23 20:05 audio 18.70 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230525-2005_OKAY%20RADIO%20KRUPNIK%20---%20Billy%20Bop%20DJ@krup.mp3 2305252005
58926 230525-2000_OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Hotline du 33@krup.mp3 OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Hotline du 33 krupnik 25.05.23 20:00 audio 6.13 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230525-2000_OKAY%20RADIO%20KRUPNIK%20---%20Hotline%20du%2033@krup.mp3 2305252000
59009 230525-1915_OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Discussion autour des radios pirates et de Aquilenet, fournisseur d internet associatif en Aquitaine avec Leo + Sasha + Lazlo + La Gac@krup.mp3 OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Discussion autour des radios pirates et de Aquilenet, fournisseur d internet associatif en Aquitaine avec Leo + Sasha + Lazlo + La Gac krupnik 25.05.23 19:15 audio 149.75 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230525-1915_OKAY%20RADIO%20KRUPNIK%20---%20Discussion%20autour%20des%20radios%20pirates%20et%20de%20Aquilenet,%20fournisseur%20d%20internet%20associatif%20en%20Aquitaine%20avec%20Leo%20+%20Sasha%20+%20Lazlo%20+%20La%20Gac@krup.mp3 2305251915
58910 230525-1800_OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Jo LAPASTEK@krup.mp3 OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Jo LAPASTEK krupnik 25.05.23 18:00 audio 10.19 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230525-1800_OKAY%20RADIO%20KRUPNIK%20---%20Jo%20LAPASTEK@krup.mp3 2305251800
58814 230525-1750_OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Hotline du 33@krup.mp3 OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Hotline du 33 krupnik 25.05.23 17:50 audio 15.94 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230525-1750_OKAY%20RADIO%20KRUPNIK%20---%20Hotline%20du%2033@krup.mp3 2305251750
58869 230525-1735_OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Tatiana Karl@krup.mp3 OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Tatiana Karl krupnik 25.05.23 17:35 audio 36.65 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230525-1735_OKAY%20RADIO%20KRUPNIK%20---%20Tatiana%20Karl@krup.mp3 2305251735
58841 230525-1730_OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Pause Chorale@krup.mp3 OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Pause Chorale krupnik 25.05.23 17:30 audio 8.20 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230525-1730_OKAY%20RADIO%20KRUPNIK%20---%20Pause%20Chorale@krup.mp3 2305251730
58983 230525-1725_OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Hotline du 33@krup.mp3 OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Hotline du 33 krupnik 25.05.23 17:25 audio 10.66 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230525-1725_OKAY%20RADIO%20KRUPNIK%20---%20Hotline%20du%2033@krup.mp3 2305251725
58864 230525-1655_OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Ventre Bleu@krup.mp3 OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Ventre Bleu krupnik 25.05.23 16:55 audio 34.51 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230525-1655_OKAY%20RADIO%20KRUPNIK%20---%20Ventre%20Bleu@krup.mp3 2305251655
58933 230525-1650_OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Hotline du 33@krup.mp3 OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Hotline du 33 krupnik 25.05.23 16:50 audio 9.87 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230525-1650_OKAY%20RADIO%20KRUPNIK%20---%20Hotline%20du%2033@krup.mp3 2305251650
59008 230525-1630_OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Pd De Morte@krup.mp3 OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Pd De Morte krupnik 25.05.23 16:30 audio 37.17 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230525-1630_OKAY%20RADIO%20KRUPNIK%20---%20Pd%20De%20Morte@krup.mp3 2305251630
59084 230525-1625_OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Jo LAPASTEK@krup.mp3 OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Jo LAPASTEK krupnik 25.05.23 16:25 audio 6.91 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230525-1625_OKAY%20RADIO%20KRUPNIK%20---%20Jo%20LAPASTEK@krup.mp3 2305251625
58799 230525-1620_OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Hotline du 33@krup.mp3 OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Hotline du 33 krupnik 25.05.23 16:20 audio 13.79 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230525-1620_OKAY%20RADIO%20KRUPNIK%20---%20Hotline%20du%2033@krup.mp3 2305251620
59031 230525-1600_OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Torchon@krup.mp3 OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Torchon krupnik 25.05.23 16:00 audio 58.49 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230525-1600_OKAY%20RADIO%20KRUPNIK%20---%20Torchon@krup.mp3 2305251600
58887 230525-1552_OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Pause musique@krup.mp3 OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Pause musique krupnik 25.05.23 15:52 audio 29.46 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230525-1552_OKAY%20RADIO%20KRUPNIK%20---%20Pause%20musique@krup.mp3 2305251552
58850 230525-1530_OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Julian@krup.mp3 OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Julian krupnik 25.05.23 15:30 audio 52.90 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230525-1530_OKAY%20RADIO%20KRUPNIK%20---%20Julian@krup.mp3 2305251530
58952 230525-1525_OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Jo LAPASTEK@krup.mp3 OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Jo LAPASTEK krupnik 25.05.23 15:25 audio 4.72 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230525-1525_OKAY%20RADIO%20KRUPNIK%20---%20Jo%20LAPASTEK@krup.mp3 2305251525
59040 230525-1515_OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Le Seum au coin du Feu 13@krup seum.mp3 OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Le Seum au coin du Feu 13 krupnik, seum 25.05.23 15:15 audio 16.01 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230525-1515_OKAY%20RADIO%20KRUPNIK%20---%20Le%20Seum%20au%20coin%20du%20Feu%2013@krup%20seum.mp3 2305251515
58846 230525-1500_OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Presentation + degustation du Krupnik@krup.mp3 OKAY RADIO KRUPNIK --- Presentation + degustation du Krupnik krupnik 25.05.23 15:00 audio 21.50 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230525-1500_OKAY%20RADIO%20KRUPNIK%20---%20Presentation%20+%20degustation%20du%20Krupnik@krup.mp3 2305251500
58923 230522-1800_Dans la Cour - Serie de performances autour du bourdon@cafe.mp3 Dans la Cour - Serie de performances autour du bourdon cafepompier 22.05.23 18:00 audio 193.83 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230522-1800_Dans%20la%20Cour%20-%20Serie%20de%20performances%20autour%20du%20bourdon@cafe.mp3 2305221800
58882 230520-2245_CONCERT --- Tony@cafe.mp3 CONCERT --- Tony cafepompier 20.05.23 22:45 audio 90.26 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230520-2245_CONCERT%20---%20Tony@cafe.mp3 2305202245
58986 230520-2200_CONCERT --- medianoch@cafe.mp3 CONCERT --- medianoch cafepompier 20.05.23 22:00 audio 124.67 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230520-2200_CONCERT%20---%20medianoch@cafe.mp3 2305202200
59001 230520-2100_CONCERT --- Audrey Poujoula@cafe.mp3 CONCERT --- Audrey Poujoula cafepompier 20.05.23 21:00 audio 54.63 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230520-2100_CONCERT%20---%20Audrey%20Poujoula@cafe.mp3 2305202100
93171 230520-0000_pizza@pizza-about.md pizza pizza, about 20.05.23 00:00 text 0.00 2023 05 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230520-0000_pizza@pizza-about.md# Pizza-oven 2305200000
58872 230515-1800_Lectures au coin du seum pendant un moment du travail collective avec Julie Sas@flux.mp3 Lectures au coin du seum pendant un moment du travail collective avec Julie Sas flux 15.05.23 18:00 audio 121.57 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230515-1800_Lectures%20au%20coin%20du%20seum%20pendant%20un%20moment%20du%20travail%20collective%20avec%20Julie%20Sas@flux.mp3 2305151800
58827 230514-1300_Nouvelle Branche --- PODCAST --- Fantasme Revolutionnaire PARTIE II - craiie ft. Cyan@crai.mp3 Nouvelle Branche --- PODCAST --- Fantasme Revolutionnaire PARTIE II - craiie ft. Cyan crai 14.05.23 13:00 audio 27.12 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230514-1300_Nouvelle%20Branche%20---%20PODCAST%20---%20Fantasme%20Revolutionnaire%20%20PARTIE%20II%20-%20craiie%20ft.%20Cyan@crai.mp3 2305141300
58878 230514-1300_Nouvelle Branche --- PODCAST --- Fantasme Revolutionnaire PARTIE I - craiie ft. Cyan@crai.mp3 Nouvelle Branche --- PODCAST --- Fantasme Revolutionnaire PARTIE I - craiie ft. Cyan crai 14.05.23 13:00 audio 33.01 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230514-1300_Nouvelle%20Branche%20---%20PODCAST%20---%20Fantasme%20Revolutionnaire%20%20PARTIE%20I%20-%20craiie%20ft.%20Cyan@crai.mp3 2305141300
59011 230513-2350_CONCERT --- Gerard Juguo 106@cafe.mp3 CONCERT --- Gerard Juguo 106 cafepompier 13.05.23 23:50 audio 109.72 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230513-2350_CONCERT%20---%20Gerard%20Juguo%20106@cafe.mp3 2305132350
59029 230513-2300_CONCERT --- Pronostic Vital@cafe.mp3 CONCERT --- Pronostic Vital cafepompier 13.05.23 23:00 audio 89.91 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230513-2300_CONCERT%20---%20Pronostic%20Vital@cafe.mp3 2305132300
58815 230513-2240_CONCERT --- Rivieres de corps@cafe.mp3 CONCERT --- Rivieres de corps cafepompier 13.05.23 22:40 audio 64.78 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230513-2240_CONCERT%20---%20Rivieres%20de%20corps@cafe.mp3 2305132240
58916 230513-2200_CONCERT --- Pierre Gisele@cafe.mp3 CONCERT --- Pierre Gisele cafepompier 13.05.23 22:00 audio 92.81 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230513-2200_CONCERT%20---%20Pierre%20Gisele@cafe.mp3 2305132200
59043 230513-1108-le seum au coin du feu[12]_Lecture Nous sommes partout - Quand l espace s etire_mixite choisie@seum.mp3 -le seum au coin du feu[12]_Lecture Nous sommes partout - Quand l espace s etire_mixite choisie seum 13.05.23 11:08 audio 9.45 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230513-1108-le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[12]_Lecture%20Nous%20sommes%20partout%20-%20Quand%20l%20espace%20s%20etire_mixite%20choisie@seum.mp3 2305131108
59076 230513-1108-le seum au coin du feu[12]_Lecture Nous sommes partout - Quand l espace s etire_mixite choisie.txt -le seum au coin du feu[12]_Lecture Nous sommes partout - Quand l espace s etire_mixite choisie No Tags 13.05.23 11:08 text 0.00 2023 05 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230513-1108-le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[12]_Lecture%20Nous%20sommes%20partout%20-%20Quand%20l%20espace%20s%20etire_mixite%20choisie.txt 2305131108
59073 230506_2330-EXPLITY MUSIC --- CONCERT --- Musique Chienne@cafe.mp3 -EXPLITY MUSIC --- CONCERT --- Musique Chienne cafepompier 06.05.23 23:30 audio 162.79 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230506_2330-EXPLITY%20MUSIC%20---%20CONCERT%20---%20Musique%20Chienne@cafe.mp3 2305062330
59068 230506_2230-EXPLITY MUSIC --- DJSET --- LaCopineDeFlipper@cafe.mp3 -EXPLITY MUSIC --- DJSET --- LaCopineDeFlipper cafepompier 06.05.23 22:30 audio 133.97 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230506_2230-EXPLITY%20MUSIC%20---%20DJSET%20---%20LaCopineDeFlipper@cafe.mp3 2305062230
59085 230501-2000_Elizabeth Vogler - Concert la Lucarne - 04 fevrier 2023@nocl.mp3 Elizabeth Vogler - Concert la Lucarne - 04 fevrier 2023 No Tags 01.05.23 20:00 audio 64.09 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230501-2000_Elizabeth%20Vogler%20-%20Concert%20la%20Lucarne%20-%2004%20fevrier%202023@nocl.mp3 2305012000
58985 230501-0001-le seum au coin du feu[11]_Lecture Lundi Matin - Les manifestants souhaitent-ils tuer des policiers comme laffirme Gerald Darmanin@seum.mp3 -le seum au coin du feu[11]_Lecture Lundi Matin - Les manifestants souhaitent-ils tuer des policiers comme laffirme Gerald Darmanin seum 01.05.23 00:01 audio 33.52 2023 05 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230501-0001-le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[11]_Lecture%20%20Lundi%20Matin%20-%20Les%20manifestants%20souhaitent-ils%20tuer%20des%20policiers%20comme%20laffirme%20Gerald%20Darmanin@seum.mp3 2305010001
59034 230501-0001-le seum au coin du feu[11]_Lecture Lundi Matin - Les manifestants souhaitent-ils tuer des policiers comme laffirme Gerald Darmanin.txt -le seum au coin du feu[11]_Lecture Lundi Matin - Les manifestants souhaitent-ils tuer des policiers comme laffirme Gerald Darmanin No Tags 01.05.23 00:01 text 0.00 2023 05 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230501-0001-le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[11]_Lecture%20%20Lundi%20Matin%20-%20Les%20manifestants%20souhaitent-ils%20tuer%20des%20policiers%20comme%20laffirme%20Gerald%20Darmanin.txt 2305010001
58838 230429_1111_La Caresse du Coma feat YOLO...le gac & loto retina... [version audio 2022]@nocl.mp3 La Caresse du Coma feat YOLO...le gac & loto retina... [version audio 2022] No Tags 29.04.23 11:11 audio 55.01 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230429_1111_La%20Caresse%20du%20Coma%20feat%20YOLO...le%20gac%20&%20loto%20retina...%20[version%20audio%202022]@nocl.mp3 2304291111
58819 230429_1111_La Caresse du Coma feat YOLO...le gac & loto retina... [version audio 2022].txt La Caresse du Coma feat YOLO...le gac & loto retina... [version audio 2022] No Tags 29.04.23 11:11 text 0.00 2023 04 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230429_1111_La%20Caresse%20du%20Coma%20feat%20YOLO...le%20gac%20&%20loto%20retina...%20[version%20audio%202022].txt 2304291111
58818 230429-0040-le seum au coin du feu[10]_Lecture Radio It Yourself_Petit manuel technique dautonomie radiophonique@seum.mp3 -le seum au coin du feu[10]_Lecture Radio It Yourself_Petit manuel technique dautonomie radiophonique seum 29.04.23 00:40 audio 18.49 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230429-0040-le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[10]_Lecture%20%20Radio%20It%20Yourself_Petit%20manuel%20technique%20dautonomie%20radiophonique@seum.mp3 2304290040
58959 230429-0040-le seum au coin du feu[10]_Lecture Radio It Yourself_Petit manuel technique dautonomie radiophonique.txt -le seum au coin du feu[10]_Lecture Radio It Yourself_Petit manuel technique dautonomie radiophonique No Tags 29.04.23 00:40 text 0.00 2023 04 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230429-0040-le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[10]_Lecture%20%20Radio%20It%20Yourself_Petit%20manuel%20technique%20dautonomie%20radiophonique.txt 2304290040
58804 230428-1800_RADIO POIS CHICHES [2] - Talk repos militant@pois.mp3 RADIO POIS CHICHES [2] - Talk repos militant poischiche 28.04.23 18:00 audio 85.09 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230428-1800_RADIO%20POIS%20CHICHES%20[2]%20-%20Talk%20repos%20militant@pois.mp3 2304281800
58930 230423-2100_PRESBYTERE - Krashnahorkai - mix vinyls & k7. Intro et interludes entre les groupes (La Scolopendre)@pres.mp3 PRESBYTERE - Krashnahorkai - mix vinyls & k7. Intro et interludes entre les groupes (La Scolopendre) presbytere 23.04.23 21:00 audio 455.53 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230423-2100_PRESBYTERE%20-%20Krashnahorkai%20-%20mix%20vinyls%20&%20k7.%20Intro%20et%20interludes%20entre%20les%20groupes%20(La%20Scolopendre)@pres.mp3 2304232100
58937 230423-2100_PRESBYTERE - B2B Frittoux et Erbeere [DJset]@pres.mp3 PRESBYTERE - B2B Frittoux et Erbeere [DJset] presbytere 23.04.23 21:00 audio 348.95 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230423-2100_PRESBYTERE%20-%20B2B%20Frittoux%20et%20Erbeere%20[DJset]@pres.mp3 2304232100
58871 230423-2030_PRESBYTERE - Officium [live]@pres.mp3 PRESBYTERE - Officium [live] presbytere 23.04.23 20:30 audio 91.55 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230423-2030_PRESBYTERE%20-%20Officium%20[live]@pres.mp3 2304232030
58810 230423-1900_PRESBYTERE - Cathrine Danger [live]@pres.mp3 PRESBYTERE - Cathrine Danger [live] presbytere 23.04.23 19:00 audio 106.81 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230423-1900_PRESBYTERE%20-%20Cathrine%20Danger%20[live]@pres.mp3 2304231900
58823 230423-1730_PRESBYTERE - Dwarf Lift Dwarf [live]@pres.mp3 PRESBYTERE - Dwarf Lift Dwarf [live] presbytere 23.04.23 17:30 audio 79.73 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230423-1730_PRESBYTERE%20-%20Dwarf%20Lift%20Dwarf%20[live]@pres.mp3 2304231730
58988 230423-1600_PRESBYTERE - La Gac dans la volvo [live]@pres.mp3 PRESBYTERE - La Gac dans la volvo [live] presbytere 23.04.23 16:00 audio 87.40 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230423-1600_PRESBYTERE%20-%20La%20Gac%20dans%20la%20volvo%20[live]@pres.mp3 2304231600
58829 230423-1555_PRESBYTERE - Presentation du soiree au presbytere@pres.mp3 PRESBYTERE - Presentation du soiree au presbytere presbytere 23.04.23 15:55 audio 3.39 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230423-1555_PRESBYTERE%20-%20Presentation%20du%20soiree%20au%20presbytere@pres.mp3 2304231555
58863 230423-1555_PRESBYTERE - Presentation du soiree au presbytere.txt PRESBYTERE - Presentation du soiree au presbytere No Tags 23.04.23 15:55 text 0.00 2023 04 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230423-1555_PRESBYTERE%20-%20Presentation%20du%20soiree%20au%20presbytere.txt 2304231555
58908 230422-2000_CONCERT choeur de meuf a la petite populaire a la reole@nocl.mp3 CONCERT choeur de meuf a la petite populaire a la reole chœur 22.04.23 20:00 audio 113.10 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230422-2000_CONCERT%20choeur%20de%20meuf%20a%20la%20petite%20populaire%20a%20la%20reole@nocl.mp3 2304222000
58970 230422-2000_CONCERT choeur de meuf a la petite populaire a la reole.txt CONCERT choeur de meuf a la petite populaire a la reole No Tags 22.04.23 20:00 text 0.00 2023 04 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230422-2000_CONCERT%20choeur%20de%20meuf%20a%20la%20petite%20populaire%20a%20la%20reole.txt 2304222000
58800 230418-1157-le seum au coin du feu[9]_Lecture Piraterie ordinaire - Quelques idees de sabotage creatif de El@seum.mp3 -le seum au coin du feu[9]_Lecture Piraterie ordinaire - Quelques idees de sabotage creatif de El seum 18.04.23 11:57 audio 11.88 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230418-1157-le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[9]_Lecture%20%20Piraterie%20ordinaire%20-%20Quelques%20idees%20de%20sabotage%20creatif%20de%20El@seum.mp3 2304181157
58913 230418-1157-le seum au coin du feu[9]_Lecture Piraterie ordinaire - Quelques idees de sabotage creatif de El.txt -le seum au coin du feu[9]_Lecture Piraterie ordinaire - Quelques idees de sabotage creatif de El No Tags 18.04.23 11:57 text 0.00 2023 04 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230418-1157-le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[9]_Lecture%20%20Piraterie%20ordinaire%20-%20Quelques%20idees%20de%20sabotage%20creatif%20de%20El.txt 2304181157
58898 230414-2000_PODCAST FLORAL | rencontres sur liege - politique - militantisme@nocl.mp3 PODCAST FLORAL | rencontres sur liege - politique - militantisme No Tags 14.04.23 20:00 audio 68.29 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230414-2000_PODCAST%20FLORAL%20|%20rencontres%20sur%20liege%20-%20politique%20-%20militantisme@nocl.mp3 2304142000
58979 230414-1859-le seum au coin du feu[8]_Lecture texte Lundi Matin _ Pour en finir avec la violence de Arcadio Wang@seum.mp3 -le seum au coin du feu[8]_Lecture texte Lundi Matin _ Pour en finir avec la violence de Arcadio Wang seum 14.04.23 18:59 audio 14.86 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230414-1859-le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[8]_Lecture%20texte%20Lundi%20Matin%20_%20Pour%20en%20finir%20avec%20la%20violence%20de%20Arcadio%20Wang@seum.mp3 2304141859
58840 230414-1859-le seum au coin du feu[8]_Lecture texte Lundi Matin _ Pour en finir avec la violence de Arcadio Wang.txt -le seum au coin du feu[8]_Lecture texte Lundi Matin _ Pour en finir avec la violence de Arcadio Wang No Tags 14.04.23 18:59 text 0.00 2023 04 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230414-1859-le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[8]_Lecture%20texte%20Lundi%20Matin%20_%20Pour%20en%20finir%20avec%20la%20violence%20de%20Arcadio%20Wang.txt 2304141859
58821 230412-0051-le seum au coin du feu[7]_Lecture du Guerilla Open Access Manifesto de Aaron Swartz@seum.mp3 -le seum au coin du feu[7]_Lecture du Guerilla Open Access Manifesto de Aaron Swartz seum 12.04.23 00:51 audio 11.06 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230412-0051-le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[7]_Lecture%20du%20Guerilla%20Open%20Access%20Manifesto%20de%20Aaron%20Swartz@seum.mp3 2304120051
58948 230412-0051-le seum au coin du feu[7]_Lecture du Guerilla Open Access Manifesto de Aaron Swartz.txt -le seum au coin du feu[7]_Lecture du Guerilla Open Access Manifesto de Aaron Swartz No Tags 12.04.23 00:51 text 0.00 2023 04 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230412-0051-le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[7]_Lecture%20du%20Guerilla%20Open%20Access%20Manifesto%20de%20Aaron%20Swartz.txt 2304120051
58876 230405-2330_Melchior_et_la_RH@nocl.mp3 Melchior_et_la_RH No Tags 05.04.23 23:30 audio 16.30 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230405-2330_Melchior_et_la_RH@nocl.mp3 2304052330
58885 230405-1430_POLY STYRENES [1] - Laying Lying And Protesting@nocl.mp3 POLY STYRENES [1] - Laying Lying And Protesting No Tags 05.04.23 14:30 audio 159.58 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230405-1430_POLY%20STYRENES%20[1]%20-%20Laying%20Lying%20And%20Protesting@nocl.mp3 2304051430
58824 230405-1430_POLY STYRENES [1] - Laying Lying And Protesting.txt POLY STYRENES [1] - Laying Lying And Protesting No Tags 05.04.23 14:30 text 0.00 2023 04 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230405-1430_POLY%20STYRENES%20[1]%20-%20Laying%20Lying%20And%20Protesting.txt 2304051430
58843 230404-2307-le seum au coin du feu[6]_Lecture d'un tchat en ligne-La piraterie n est jamais finie@seum.mp3 -le seum au coin du feu[6]_Lecture d'un tchat en ligne-La piraterie n est jamais finie seum, compost 04.04.23 23:07 audio 35.58 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230404-2307-le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[6]_Lecture%20d'un%20tchat%20en%20ligne-La%20piraterie%20n%20est%20jamais%20finie@seum.mp3 2304042307
59012 230404-2307-le seum au coin du feu[6]_Lecture d'un tchat en ligne-La piraterie n est jamais finie.txt -le seum au coin du feu[6]_Lecture d'un tchat en ligne-La piraterie n est jamais finie No Tags 04.04.23 23:07 text 0.00 2023 04 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230404-2307-le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[6]_Lecture%20d'un%20tchat%20en%20ligne-La%20piraterie%20n%20est%20jamais%20finie.txt 2304042307
58798 230404-1800_RADIO POIS CHICHES [1] - Table ronde sur les occupations des universites de bordeaux@pois.mp3 RADIO POIS CHICHES [1] - Table ronde sur les occupations des universites de bordeaux poischiche 04.04.23 18:00 audio 177.61 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230404-1800_RADIO%20POIS%20CHICHES%20[1]%20-%20Table%20ronde%20sur%20les%20occupations%20des%20universites%20de%20bordeaux@pois.mp3 2304041800
59042 230403-2359-le seum au coin du feu[5]_Lecture d'un texte des Composteuses-Le compost generalise@seum.mp3 -le seum au coin du feu[5]_Lecture d'un texte des Composteuses-Le compost generalise seum 03.04.23 23:59 audio 22.58 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230403-2359-le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[5]_Lecture%20d'un%20texte%20des%20Composteuses-Le%20compost%20generalise@seum.mp3 2304032359
59044 230403-2359-le seum au coin du feu[5]_Lecture d'un texte des Composteuses-Le compost generalise.txt -le seum au coin du feu[5]_Lecture d'un texte des Composteuses-Le compost generalise No Tags 03.04.23 23:59 text 0.00 2023 04 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230403-2359-le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[5]_Lecture%20d'un%20texte%20des%20Composteuses-Le%20compost%20generalise.txt 2304032359
58830 230403-2020_Just_spotting_big_LAX_planes@nocl.mp3 Just_spotting_big_LAX_planes No Tags 03.04.23 20:20 audio 48.52 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230403-2020_Just_spotting_big_LAX_planes@nocl.mp3 2304032020
59030 230402-2312-le seum au coin du feu[4]_Lecture du Manifeste du ClubMed@seum.mp3 -le seum au coin du feu[4]_Lecture du Manifeste du ClubMed seum 02.04.23 23:12 audio 10.70 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230402-2312-le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[4]_Lecture%20du%20Manifeste%20du%20ClubMed@seum.mp3 2304022312
58889 230402-2312-le seum au coin du feu[4]_Lecture du Manifeste du ClubMed.txt -le seum au coin du feu[4]_Lecture du Manifeste du ClubMed No Tags 02.04.23 23:12 text 0.00 2023 04 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230402-2312-le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[4]_Lecture%20du%20Manifeste%20du%20ClubMed.txt 2304022312
58974 230402-1500_Fake_Release_Party_Les_choristes_EDM_AntiBoomer_Musique@nocl.mp3 Fake_Release_Party_Les_choristes_EDM_AntiBoomer_Musique No Tags 02.04.23 15:00 audio 29.39 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230402-1500_Fake_Release_Party_Les_choristes_EDM_AntiBoomer_Musique@nocl.mp3 2304021500
58837 230401-2359_Ecume fievreuse --- DJSET --- DJ HIGHFEM B2B Lula666 - big dyke energy - rap2zouz - regaeton bresom@cafe.mp3 Ecume fievreuse --- DJSET --- DJ HIGHFEM B2B Lula666 - big dyke energy - rap2zouz - regaeton bresom cafepompier 01.04.23 23:59 audio 582.51 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230401-2359_Ecume%20fievreuse%20---%20DJSET%20---%20DJ%20HIGHFEM%20B2B%20Lula666%20-%20big%20dyke%20energy%20-%20rap2zouz%20-%20regaeton%20bresom@cafe.mp3 2304012359
58941 230401-2350_Ecume fievreuse --- LECTURE --- peau parfum guerison [2] - LOUVE X Luva666@cafe.mp3 Ecume fievreuse --- LECTURE --- peau parfum guerison [2] - LOUVE X Luva666 cafepompier 01.04.23 23:50 audio 30.59 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230401-2350_Ecume%20fievreuse%20---%20LECTURE%20---%20peau%20parfum%20guerison%20[2]%20-%20LOUVE%20X%20Luva666@cafe.mp3 2304012350
59070 230401-2330_Ecume fievreuse --- LECTURE --- chienne de la casse fete du travail - milen@cafe.mp3 Ecume fievreuse --- LECTURE --- chienne de la casse fete du travail - milen cafepompier 01.04.23 23:30 audio 21.78 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230401-2330_Ecume%20fievreuse%20---%20LECTURE%20---%20chienne%20de%20la%20casse%20fete%20du%20travail%20-%20milen@cafe.mp3 2304012330
59005 230401-2315_Ecume fievreuse --- LECTURE --- Non Envoyee - craiie@cafe.mp3 Ecume fievreuse --- LECTURE --- Non Envoyee - craiie cafepompier 01.04.23 23:15 audio 32.58 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230401-2315_Ecume%20fievreuse%20---%20LECTURE%20---%20Non%20Envoyee%20-%20craiie@cafe.mp3 2304012315
58806 230401-2255_Ecume fievreuse --- LECTURE --- caulerpa@cafe.mp3 Ecume fievreuse --- LECTURE --- caulerpa cafepompier 01.04.23 22:55 audio 44.18 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230401-2255_Ecume%20fievreuse%20---%20LECTURE%20---%20caulerpa@cafe.mp3 2304012255
58884 230401-2235_Ecume fievreuse --- LECTURE --- rage au bulbe - deuil civil@cafe.mp3 Ecume fievreuse --- LECTURE --- rage au bulbe - deuil civil cafepompier 01.04.23 22:35 audio 22.03 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230401-2235_Ecume%20fievreuse%20---%20LECTURE%20---%20rage%20au%20bulbe%20-%20deuil%20civil@cafe.mp3 2304012235
59074 230401-2215_Ecume fievreuse --- LECTURE --- peau parfum guerison [1] - LOUVE X Luva666@cafe.mp3 Ecume fievreuse --- LECTURE --- peau parfum guerison [1] - LOUVE X Luva666 cafepompier 01.04.23 22:15 audio 39.83 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230401-2215_Ecume%20fievreuse%20---%20LECTURE%20---%20peau%20parfum%20guerison%20[1]%20-%20LOUVE%20X%20Luva666@cafe.mp3 2304012215
58980 230401-2213_Ecume fievreuse --- presentation du soiree@cafe.mp3 Ecume fievreuse --- presentation du soiree cafepompier 01.04.23 22:13 audio 3.21 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230401-2213_Ecume%20fievreuse%20---%20presentation%20du%20soiree@cafe.mp3 2304012213
58899 230401-2213_Ecume fievreuse --- presentation du soiree.txt Ecume fievreuse --- presentation du soiree No Tags 01.04.23 22:13 text 0.00 2023 04 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230401-2213_Ecume%20fievreuse%20---%20presentation%20du%20soiree.txt 2304012213
59046 230401-0021-le seum au coin du feu[3]_Lecture de La Quadrature du Net_La France premier pays d Europe a legaliser la surveillance biometrique@seum.mp3 -le seum au coin du feu[3]_Lecture de La Quadrature du Net_La France premier pays d Europe a legaliser la surveillance biometrique seum 01.04.23 00:21 audio 19.36 2023 04 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230401-0021-le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[3]_Lecture%20de%20La%20Quadrature%20du%20Net_La%20France%20premier%20pays%20d%20Europe%20a%20legaliser%20la%20surveillance%20biometrique@seum.mp3 2304010021
58982 230401-0021-le seum au coin du feu[3]_Lecture de La Quadrature du Net_La France premier pays d Europe a legaliser la surveillance biometrique.txt -le seum au coin du feu[3]_Lecture de La Quadrature du Net_La France premier pays d Europe a legaliser la surveillance biometrique No Tags 01.04.23 00:21 text 0.00 2023 04 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230401-0021-le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[3]_Lecture%20de%20La%20Quadrature%20du%20Net_La%20France%20premier%20pays%20d%20Europe%20a%20legaliser%20la%20surveillance%20biometrique.txt 2304010021
93178 230401-0000_rocketstove@rocketstove-about.md rocketstove rocketstove, about 01.04.23 00:00 text 0.00 2023 04 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230401-0000_rocketstove@rocketstove-about.md# Rocketstove 2304010000
58991 230331-1312-le seum au coin du feu[2]_Lecture texte de M E_la terre a bu du sang@seum.mp3 -le seum au coin du feu[2]_Lecture texte de M E_la terre a bu du sang seum 31.03.23 13:12 audio 20.09 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230331-1312-le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[2]_Lecture%20texte%20de%20M%20E_la%20terre%20a%20bu%20du%20sang@seum.mp3 2303311312
58902 230331-1312-le seum au coin du feu[2]_Lecture texte de M E_la terre a bu du sang.txt -le seum au coin du feu[2]_Lecture texte de M E_la terre a bu du sang No Tags 31.03.23 13:12 text 0.00 2023 03 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230331-1312-le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[2]_Lecture%20texte%20de%20M%20E_la%20terre%20a%20bu%20du%20sang.txt 2303311312
59023 230331-1100_Les Ilouts de l'ile Nouvelle [1] - restitution du workshop avec marc nomblard@nocl.mp3 Les Ilouts de l'ile Nouvelle [1] - restitution du workshop avec marc nomblard No Tags 31.03.23 11:00 audio 245.84 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230331-1100_Les%20Ilouts%20de%20l'ile%20Nouvelle%20[1]%20-%20restitution%20du%20workshop%20avec%20marc%20nomblard@nocl.mp3 2303311100
58945 230331-1100_Les Ilouts de l'ile Nouvelle [1] - restitution du workshop avec marc nomblard.txt Les Ilouts de l'ile Nouvelle [1] - restitution du workshop avec marc nomblard No Tags 31.03.23 11:00 text 0.00 2023 03 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230331-1100_Les%20Ilouts%20de%20l'ile%20Nouvelle%20[1]%20-%20restitution%20du%20workshop%20avec%20marc%20nomblard.txt 2303311100
108416 230329_1000_seum-au-coin-du-feu.md seum-au-coin-du-feu seum, about 29.03.23 10:00 text 0.00 2023 03 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230329_1000_seum-au-coin-du-feu.mdLe Seum au Coin du Feu est un podcast de Scobiya qui vous lit des articles d'actualité qui mettent le seum mais nous gardent les yeux et oreilles bien alertes. Faut pas trop être dep pour écouter, mais haiiiiii VAMOS ON LâCHE RIEN !!! 2303291000
73166 230329-1800_le seum au coin du feu[1]_Lecture article lundimatin_Le piege de Ste Soline@seum.mp3 le seum au coin du feu[1]_Lecture article lundimatin_Le piege de Ste Soline seum 29.03.23 18:00 audio 27.09 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230329-1800_le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[1]_Lecture%20article%20lundimatin_Le%20piege%20de%20Ste%20Soline@seum.mp3 2303291800
58813 230329-1800_le seum au coin du feu[1]_Lecture article lundimatin_Le piege de Ste Soline.txt le seum au coin du feu[1]_Lecture article lundimatin_Le piege de Ste Soline No Tags 29.03.23 18:00 text 0.00 2023 03 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230329-1800_le%20seum%20au%20coin%20du%20feu[1]_Lecture%20article%20lundimatin_Le%20piege%20de%20Ste%20Soline.txt 2303291800
59048 230313-2100_SACHAAAA@ocup.mp3 SACHAAAA occupationebabx 13.03.23 21:00 audio 77.28 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230313-2100_SACHAAAA@ocup.mp3 2303132100
58927 230313-2006__~_deuil_civil ft. billybopdj_~_ [2]@ocup.mp3 ~_deuil_civil ft. billybopdj_~_ [2] occupationebabx 13.03.23 20:06 audio 109.61 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230313-2006__~_deuil_civil%20ft.%20billybopdj_~_%20[2]@ocup.mp3 2303132006
59026 230313-1905__~_CAILLASSE_~_ ambiant_talk.mix@ocup.mp3 ~_CAILLASSE_~_ ambiant_talk.mix occupationebabx 13.03.23 19:05 audio 138.47 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230313-1905__~_CAILLASSE_~_%20ambiant_talk.mix@ocup.mp3 2303131905
59013 230311-1639_Yael et autres impro dans l'escaliers@ocup.mp3 Yael et autres impro dans l'escaliers occupationebabx 11.03.23 16:39 audio 53.45 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230311-1639_Yael%20et%20autres%20impro%20dans%20l'escaliers@ocup.mp3 2303111639
59006 230311-0244_stevie & leo b2b@quer.mp3 stevie & leo b2b queeringecologies 11.03.23 02:44 audio 307.81 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230311-0244_stevie%20&%20leo%20b2b@quer.mp3 2303110244
58929 230311-0025_CONCERT --- caillasse (ft. deuil civil lecture)@cafe ocup.mp3 CONCERT --- caillasse (ft. deuil civil lecture) cafepompier, occupationebabx 11.03.23 00:25 audio 113.24 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230311-0025_CONCERT%20---%20caillasse%20(ft.%20deuil%20civil%20lecture)@cafe%20ocup.mp3 2303110025
58996 230310-2316_CONCERT --- prix libre @cafe ocup.mp3 CONCERT --- prix libre cafepompier, occupationebabx 10.03.23 23:16 audio 120.06 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230310-2316_CONCERT%20---%20prix%20libre%20@cafe%20ocup.mp3 2303102316
58960 230310-2218_CONCERT --- marius atherton @cafe ocup.mp3 CONCERT --- marius atherton cafepompier, occupationebabx 10.03.23 22:18 audio 113.53 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230310-2218_CONCERT%20---%20marius%20atherton%20@cafe%20ocup.mp3 2303102218
58892 230310-2215_equipe press de l ocupation ebabx@ocup_cafe.mp3 equipe press de l ocupation ebabx cafepompier, occupationebabx 10.03.23 22:15 audio 7.02 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230310-2215_equipe%20press%20de%20l%20ocupation%20ebabx@ocup_cafe.mp3 2303102215
59059 230310-2140_dragshow@ocup.mp3 dragshow occupationebabx 10.03.23 21:40 audio 52.98 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230310-2140_dragshow@ocup.mp3 2303102140
58860 230310-2110_diapo + tableronde@ocup.mp3 diapo + tableronde occupationebabx 10.03.23 21:10 audio 48.18 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230310-2110_diapo%20+%20tableronde@ocup.mp3 2303102110
58917 230310-2046_Serais-je un jour consideree comme moi | lecture de craiie@ocup cafe.mp3 Serais-je un jour consideree comme moi | lecture de craiie cafepompier, occupationebabx 10.03.23 20:46 audio 35.16 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230310-2046_Serais-je%20un%20jour%20consideree%20comme%20moi%20|%20lecture%20de%20craiie@ocup%20cafe.mp3 2303102046
58861 230310-2012_QueeringEcologies [6] : performance au cafe pompier@quer cafe.mp3 QueeringEcologies [6] : performance au cafe pompier cafepompier, queeringecologies 10.03.23 20:12 audio 67.00 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230310-2012_QueeringEcologies%20[6]%20:%20performance%20au%20cafe%20pompier@quer%20cafe.mp3 2303102012
58932 230310-0250_station-x - une emission erotique@ocup.mp3 station-x - une emission erotique occupationebabx 10.03.23 02:50 audio 33.25 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230310-0250_station-x%20-%20une%20emission%20erotique@ocup.mp3 2303100250
59039 230310-0200_QueeringEcologies [5] : night-maisluzine-night@quer.mp3 QueeringEcologies [5] : night-maisluzine-night queeringecologies 10.03.23 02:00 audio 76.76 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230310-0200_QueeringEcologies%20[5]%20:%20night-maisluzine-night@quer.mp3 2303100200
58958 230310-0013_indigo kayas mix open source.mic@ocup.mp3 indigo kayas mix open source.mic occupationebabx 10.03.23 00:13 audio 231.93 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230310-0013_indigo%20kayas%20mix%20open%20source.mic@ocup.mp3 2303100013
58852 230309-2307_titti + inconnu: decouverte extraordinaire entre deux humain@ocup.mp3 titti + inconnu: decouverte extraordinaire entre deux humain occupationebabx 09.03.23 23:07 audio 51.89 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230309-2307_titti%20+%20inconnu:%20decouverte%20extraordinaire%20entre%20deux%20humain@ocup.mp3 2303092307
58796 230309-2303_stevie lecture@ocup.mp3 stevie lecture occupationebabx 09.03.23 23:03 audio 9.63 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230309-2303_stevie%20lecture@ocup.mp3 2303092303
58873 230309-2253_DisneyEDM [2]@ocup.mp3 DisneyEDM [2] occupationebabx 09.03.23 22:53 audio 22.87 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230309-2253_DisneyEDM%20[2]@ocup.mp3 2303092253
59086 230309-2242_DisneyEDM [1]@ocup.mp3 DisneyEDM [1] occupationebabx 09.03.23 22:42 audio 21.80 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230309-2242_DisneyEDM%20[1]@ocup.mp3 2303092242
58903 230309-2109_QueeringEcologies [4] : live performance AKATIK NAP HYDRO CARE@quer.mp3 QueeringEcologies [4] : live performance AKATIK NAP HYDRO CARE queeringecologies 09.03.23 21:09 audio 130.92 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230309-2109_QueeringEcologies%20[4]%20:%20live%20performance%20AKATIK%20NAP%20HYDRO%20CARE@quer.mp3 2303092109
59065 230309-2033_interlude_Ergot-radio@ocup.mp3 interlude_Ergot-radio occupationebabx 09.03.23 20:33 audio 18.18 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230309-2033_interlude_Ergot-radio@ocup.mp3 2303092033
58888 230309-1946_QueeringEcologies [3] : interview volos students: blockage de l'ecole en grece@quer.mp3 QueeringEcologies [3] : interview volos students: blockage de l'ecole en grece queeringecologies 09.03.23 19:46 audio 100.26 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230309-1946_QueeringEcologies%20[3]%20:%20interview%20volos%20students:%20blockage%20de%20l'ecole%20en%20grece@quer.mp3 2303091946
58893 230309-0138_noite-sul mix de Helena@ocup.mp3 noite-sul mix de Helena occupationebabx 09.03.23 01:38 audio 139.73 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230309-0138_noite-sul%20mix%20de%20Helena@ocup.mp3 2303090138
58957 230309-0114_yael concert@ocup.mp3 yael concert occupationebabx 09.03.23 01:14 audio 48.69 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230309-0114_yael%20concert@ocup.mp3 2303090114
58862 230309-0042_QueeringEcologies [2] : maisluzinne@quer.mp3 QueeringEcologies [2] : maisluzinne queeringecologies 09.03.23 00:42 audio 66.04 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230309-0042_QueeringEcologies%20[2]%20:%20maisluzinne@quer.mp3 2303090042
58909 230309-0006__~_deuil_civil ft. billybopdj_~_[1]@ocup.mp3 ~_deuil_civil ft. billybopdj_~_[1] occupationebabx 09.03.23 00:06 audio 64.66 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230309-0006__~_deuil_civil%20ft.%20billybopdj_~_[1]@ocup.mp3 2303090006
58822 230308-2302_roman rinssai@ocup.mp3 roman rinssai occupationebabx 08.03.23 23:02 audio 140.10 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230308-2302_roman%20rinssai@ocup.mp3 2303082302
59015 230308-2207_malefond@ocup.mp3 malefond occupationebabx 08.03.23 22:07 audio 118.63 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230308-2207_malefond@ocup.mp3 2303082207
58825 230308-2056_kajas early live mix@ocup.mp3 kajas early live mix occupationebabx 08.03.23 20:56 audio 156.80 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230308-2056_kajas%20early%20live%20mix@ocup.mp3 2303082056
59010 230308-1848_Erdbeermix@ocup.mp3 Erdbeermix occupationebabx 08.03.23 18:48 audio 102.21 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230308-1848_Erdbeermix@ocup.mp3 2303081848
108379 230307_1000_queering-ecologies.md queering-ecologies queeringecologies, about 07.03.23 10:00 text 0.00 2023 03 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230307_1000_queering-ecologies.mdQueering Ecologies is a Blended Intensive Program resulting in a one-week Residence and Exchange experience in Bordeaux (6-10 March 2023) blending students from Belgium, France and Greece through the collaboration of three different schools: École des beaux-arts in Bordeaux (France, [ebabx.fr](https://www.ebabx.fr/fr)), École de recherche graphique in Brussels (Belgium, [erg.be)](https://wiki.erg.be/m/) and the Department of Architecture of the University of Thessaly (Volos, Greece, [arch.uth.gr](http://www.arch.uth.gr/en/)) :)))'' more soon in Brussels and Volos >> ![quer.jpg](.attachments.108379/quer.jpg) 2303071000
58936 230307-2000_confrontation herve@ocup.mp3 confrontation herve occupationebabx 07.03.23 20:00 audio 26.72 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230307-2000_confrontation%20herve@ocup.mp3 2303072000
58795 230306-2139_QueeringEcologies [1] : Sacha + Leo luetzi improvisation@quer.mp3 QueeringEcologies [1] : Sacha + Leo luetzi improvisation queeringecologies 06.03.23 21:39 audio 110.89 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230306-2139_QueeringEcologies%20[1]%20:%20Sacha%20+%20Leo%20luetzi%20improvisation@quer.mp3 2303062139
58897 230306-2139_QueeringEcologies [1] : Sacha + Leo luetzi improvisation.txt QueeringEcologies [1] : Sacha + Leo luetzi improvisation No Tags 06.03.23 21:39 text 0.00 2023 03 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230306-2139_QueeringEcologies%20[1]%20:%20Sacha%20+%20Leo%20luetzi%20improvisation.txt 2303062139
59000 230305-1900_Les chants du Canter Sauvage [1]@nocl.mp3 Les chants du Canter Sauvage [1] No Tags 05.03.23 19:00 audio 48.83 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230305-1900_Les%20chants%20du%20Canter%20Sauvage%20[1]@nocl.mp3 2303051900
92207 230305-0101_remorque@remorque.jpg remorque remorque 05.03.23 01:01 image 0.09 2023 03 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230305-0101_remorque@remorque.jpg 2303050101
92206 230303-2014_remorque@remorque.jpg remorque remorque 03.03.23 20:14 image 0.13 2023 03 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230303-2014_remorque@remorque.jpg 2303032014
92205 230303-1913_remorque@remorque.jpg remorque remorque 03.03.23 19:13 image 0.13 2023 03 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230303-1913_remorque@remorque.jpg 2303031913
92204 230303-1848_remorque@remorque.jpg remorque remorque 03.03.23 18:48 image 0.16 2023 03 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230303-1848_remorque@remorque.jpg 2303031848
92203 230303-1540_remorque@remorque.jpg remorque remorque 03.03.23 15:40 image 0.16 2023 03 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230303-1540_remorque@remorque.jpg 2303031540
92202 230303-1505_remorque@remorque.jpg remorque remorque 03.03.23 15:05 image 0.11 2023 03 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230303-1505_remorque@remorque.jpg 2303031505
92200 230303-1504_remorque@remorque.jpg remorque remorque 03.03.23 15:04 image 0.13 2023 03 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230303-1504_remorque@remorque.jpg 2303031504
58943 230301_1600_romo + leo DJset at bibliotheque-ebabx@nocl.mp3 romo + leo DJset at bibliotheque-ebabx No Tags 01.03.23 16:00 audio 191.35 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230301_1600_romo%20+%20leo%20DJset%20at%20bibliotheque-ebabx@nocl.mp3 2303011600
58992 230301_1400_julian at bibliotheque-ebabx@nocl.mp3 julian at bibliotheque-ebabx No Tags 01.03.23 14:00 audio 137.14 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230301_1400_julian%20at%20bibliotheque-ebabx@nocl.mp3 2303011400
59071 230301_1300_leos siesta-set at bibliotheque-ebabx@nocl.mp3 leos siesta-set at bibliotheque-ebabx No Tags 01.03.23 13:00 audio 25.50 2023 03 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230301_1300_leos%20siesta-set%20at%20bibliotheque-ebabx@nocl.mp3 2303011300
92408 230301-0000_remorque-about@remorque-about.md remorque-about remorque, about 01.03.23 00:00 text 0.00 2023 03 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230301-0000_remorque-about@remorque-about.md# Bike Trailer Pl4tform constructed its own bike trailer to carry around soundsystem, kitchen, radio, and other stuff. It is based on the very precious open source plans of ! We use this trailer for all kind of events and share it with friends and other collectives, but the rest of the time the trailer is available. Don't hesitate to ask if you are around Bordeaux and need a trailer ! We also builded the Chapitarp which is kind of tent-roof which can be installed from and around the trailer => [Chapitarp](https://pl4tform.org/?map:base:1/zone:chapitarp:). 2303010000
92201 230228-1754_remorque@remorque.jpg remorque remorque 28.02.23 17:54 image 0.16 2023 02 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230228-1754_remorque@remorque.jpg 2302281754
58976 230224_2330_DJSET --- jizl @cafe.mp3 DJSET --- jizl cafepompier 24.02.23 23:30 audio 197.72 2023 02 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230224_2330_DJSET%20---%20jizl%20@cafe.mp3 2302242330
59075 230224_2300_CONCERT --- brique coprs @cafe.mp3 CONCERT --- brique coprs cafepompier 24.02.23 23:00 audio 94.44 2023 02 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230224_2300_CONCERT%20---%20brique%20coprs%20@cafe.mp3 2302242300
59057 230224_2200_CONCERT --- ssmylita @cafe.mp3 CONCERT --- ssmylita cafepompier 24.02.23 22:00 audio 74.31 2023 02 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230224_2200_CONCERT%20---%20ssmylita%20@cafe.mp3 2302242200
59052 230224_2030_CONCERT --- Aragne @cafe.mp3 CONCERT --- Aragne cafepompier 24.02.23 20:30 audio 144.50 2023 02 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230224_2030_CONCERT%20---%20Aragne%20@cafe.mp3 2302242030
58854 230224_2000_CONCERT --- Turbo @cafe.mp3 CONCERT --- Turbo cafepompier 24.02.23 20:00 audio 79.50 2023 02 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230224_2000_CONCERT%20---%20Turbo%20@cafe.mp3 2302242000
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58842 230215_2350_DJSET --- fearless-alfredo @cafe.mp3 DJSET --- fearless-alfredo cafepompier 15.02.23 23:50 audio 161.13 2023 02 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230215_2350_DJSET%20---%20fearless-alfredo%20@cafe.mp3 2302152350
58921 230215_2200_PERFORMANCE --- House of diamonds II @cafe.mp3 PERFORMANCE --- House of diamonds II cafepompier 15.02.23 22:00 audio 94.99 2023 02 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230215_2200_PERFORMANCE%20---%20House%20of%20diamonds%20II%20@cafe.mp3 2302152200
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58839 230215_2000_PERFORMANCE --- House of diamonds I @cafe.mp3 PERFORMANCE --- House of diamonds I cafepompier 15.02.23 20:00 audio 84.63 2023 02 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230215_2000_PERFORMANCE%20---%20House%20of%20diamonds%20I%20@cafe.mp3 2302152000
58925 230208_1700_infraondes at magnabaigt@magnabaight.mp3 infraondes at magnabaigt magnabaight, event 08.02.23 17:00 audio 132.85 2023 02 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230208_1700_infraondes%20at%20magnabaigt@magnabaight.mp3 2302081700
58886 230208_1700_infraondes at magnabaigt.txt infraondes at magnabaigt No Tags 08.02.23 17:00 text 0.00 2023 02 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230208_1700_infraondes%20at%20magnabaigt.txt 2302081700
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70317 230208_1000_magnabaight-fotos4@magnabaight.jpg.jpg magnabaight-fotos4 magnabaight 08.02.23 10:00 image 0.08 2023 02 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230208_1000_magnabaight-fotos4@magnabaight.jpg.jpg 2302081000
70316 230208_1000_magnabaight-fotos3@magnabaight.jpg.jpg magnabaight-fotos3 magnabaight 08.02.23 10:00 image 0.08 2023 02 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230208_1000_magnabaight-fotos3@magnabaight.jpg.jpg 2302081000
70315 230208_1000_magnabaight-fotos2@magnabaight.jpg.jpg magnabaight-fotos2 magnabaight 08.02.23 10:00 image 0.09 2023 02 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230208_1000_magnabaight-fotos2@magnabaight.jpg.jpg 2302081000
70314 230208_1000_magnabaight-fotos1@magnabaight.jpg.jpg magnabaight-fotos1 magnabaight 08.02.23 10:00 image 0.10 2023 02 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230208_1000_magnabaight-fotos1@magnabaight.jpg.jpg 2302081000
58820 230203_2100_CONCERT --- caillasse@cafe.mp3 CONCERT --- caillasse cafepompier 03.02.23 21:00 audio 72.63 2023 02 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230203_2100_CONCERT%20---%20caillasse@cafe.mp3 2302032100
58867 230128_2300_DJSET --- SPMDJ @cafe.mp3 DJSET --- SPMDJ cafepompier 28.01.23 23:00 audio 288.30 2023 01 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230128_2300_DJSET%20---%20SPMDJ%20@cafe.mp3 2301282300
58990 230128_2200_CONCERT --- Nora sigue @cafe.mp3 CONCERT --- Nora sigue cafepompier 28.01.23 22:00 audio 80.72 2023 01 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230128_2200_CONCERT%20---%20Nora%20sigue%20@cafe.mp3 2301282200
58942 230128_2000_CONCERT --- Untel @cafe.mp3 CONCERT --- Untel cafepompier 28.01.23 20:00 audio 86.37 2023 01 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/230128_2000_CONCERT%20---%20Untel%20@cafe.mp3 2301282000
59019 221217_2300-EMBY FAIRY PARTY --- 3 DJSET --- Loto Retina - Glaire Waldork - Santiagzzz@cafe.mp3 -EMBY FAIRY PARTY --- 3 DJSET --- Loto Retina - Glaire Waldork - Santiagzzz cafepompier 17.12.22 23:00 audio 704.75 2022 12 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/221217_2300-EMBY%20FAIRY%20PARTY%20---%203%20DJSET%20---%20Loto%20Retina%20-%20Glaire%20Waldork%20-%20Santiagzzz@cafe.mp3 2212172300
102745 221214-1328_photo-server@server.jpg photo-server server 14.12.22 13:28 image 0.12 2022 12 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/221214-1328_photo-server@server.jpg 2212141328
102746 221211-1930_photo-server@server.jpg photo-server server 11.12.22 19:30 image 0.15 2022 12 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/221211-1930_photo-server@server.jpg 2212111930
58918 221125_1800_rueckkopplung performance svenja deking + leonard leyens at la reserve@nocl.mp3 rueckkopplung performance svenja deking + leonard leyens at la reserve No Tags 25.11.22 18:00 audio 86.37 2022 11 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/221125_1800_rueckkopplung%20performance%20svenja%20deking%20+%20leonard%20leyens%20at%20la%20reserve@nocl.mp3 2211251800
58931 221117_2100_infraondes at platform@nocl.mp3 infraondes at platform estuaire, infraondes 17.11.22 21:00 audio 136.72 2022 11 mimetype: audio, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/221117_2100_infraondes%20at%20platform@nocl.mp3 2211172100
59004 221117_2100_infraondes at platform.md infraondes at platform No Tags 17.11.22 21:00 text 0.00 2022 11 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/221117_2100_infraondes%20at%20platform.md 2211172100
102440 221117-0000_server@server-about.md server server, about 17.11.22 00:00 text 0.00 2022 11 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/221117-0000_server@server-about.md# Server In the beginning pl4tform was hosted on an olimex. We folled the ideas of [Low-tech-magazine](https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/2018/09/how-to-build-a-low-tech-website/) to host our first website. Today pl4tform is a virtualmachine hosted by [Aquilenet](https://www.aquilenet.fr/), an alternative internet provider in Bordeaux (FR). We also builded a moovable temporary server with an 4G GLinet-router, Rasperry Pi and an Aquilenet Sim-card. 👽 👽 👽 👽 2211170000
92799 221002-1255_photo-energy@energy.jpg photo-energy energy 02.10.22 12:55 image 0.09 2022 10 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/221002-1255_photo-energy@energy.jpg 2210021255
92798 221002-1204_photo-energy@energy.jpg photo-energy energy 02.10.22 12:04 image 0.16 2022 10 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/221002-1204_photo-energy@energy.jpg 2210021204
92796 221001-1917_photo-energy_2@energy.jpg photo-energy_2 energy 01.10.22 19:17 image 0.20 2022 10 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/221001-1917_photo-energy_2@energy.jpg 2210011917
92797 221001-1917_photo-energy@energy.jpg photo-energy energy 01.10.22 19:17 image 0.11 2022 10 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/221001-1917_photo-energy@energy.jpg 2210011917
92795 220907-1250_photo-energy@energy.jpg photo-energy energy 07.09.22 12:50 image 0.13 2022 09 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/220907-1250_photo-energy@energy.jpg 2209071250
93198 220907-0000_energy@energy-about.md energy energy, about 07.09.22 00:00 text 0.00 2022 09 mimetype: text, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/220907-0000_energy@energy-about.md# Energy-system Pl4tform builded several Energy-systems to have an "automus" energy supply. Its based on second hand 12 and 36 volt batterie and solar panel. 2209070000
93095 220711-2248_photos-pizza@pizza.jpg photos-pizza pizza 11.07.22 22:48 image 0.12 2022 07 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/220711-2248_photos-pizza@pizza.jpg 2207112248
93094 220711-2122_photos-pizza@pizza.jpg photos-pizza pizza 11.07.22 21:22 image 0.20 2022 07 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/220711-2122_photos-pizza@pizza.jpg 2207112122
93096 220604-1501_photos-pizza@pizza.jpg photos-pizza pizza 04.06.22 15:01 image 0.24 2022 06 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/220604-1501_photos-pizza@pizza.jpg 2206041501
93092 220604-1311_photos-pizza@pizza.jpg photos-pizza pizza 04.06.22 13:11 image 0.15 2022 06 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/220604-1311_photos-pizza@pizza.jpg 2206041311
93093 220603-1720_photos-pizza@pizza.jpg photos-pizza pizza 03.06.22 17:20 image 0.24 2022 06 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/220603-1720_photos-pizza@pizza.jpg 2206031720
93091 220603-1619_photos-pizza@pizza.jpg photos-pizza pizza 03.06.22 16:19 image 0.16 2022 06 mimetype: image, link: https://pl4tform.org/ncdata/220603-1619_photos-pizza@pizza.jpg 2206031619



We are working on a new website !
There might be some error and non really working stuff but be patient ! Soon ut will be creazy cool ! ղεჯէ Lἶνε ʂհօω: Wednesday 𝟐𝟎/𝟏𝟏/𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 - 𝟏𝟒𝓱 _ Br4vebête

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Very soon there will be creazycool new stuff righttt here @_@ <3